The genius ninth miss

Chapter 968 You, Don't Die Anymore!

Chapter 968 You, Don't Die Anymore!

"No matter who sent you in the 33rd day, if you dare to attack this seat, the envoys of the Spirit God Clan will be your fate!"

A light voice came from the distant sky, full of bloodthirsty cruelty. When the voice fell, a ray of light appeared on the World Extinguishing Demon Sword standing between the sky and the earth, and it was this ray of light that was as thin as a gossamer. A dazzling light flashed on the edge of the giant sword, and shot towards the envoy whose whole body was trembling like chaff.

It looked like a filament of light, but pierced through the envoy's dantian like a flying arrow.The transcendent powerhouse of the Seven Swords Godman didn't even have the strength to dodge and resist in front of this gossamer.When Yousi passed through his dantian, a ray of light enveloped the man, just like a flash of fireworks, a god-level powerhouse vanished into nothingness.

Even Bei Tinghuang found it inconceivable, her eyes widened, like a baby who knew nothing about this world, she looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.This is the real powerhouse, isn't it?
The giant sword turned in a circle in front of Bei Tinghuang, but never let the blade face Bei Tinghuang.It was originally a giant sword transformed by the power of gods, but on the body of the sword, it reflected the image of Bei Tinghuang at this time, a blood-colored battle armor, six pairs of blade-like wings stretched out on the back, silver combat boots, red lotus On the karma-like shoulder armor, bone spurs protrude..., the silver mask on the face, the black eyes twinkling, bright like stars.

Suddenly, a wave like a water wave rippled on the sword body. Unexpectedly, a face of Yan Ye appeared in front of her. It was originally her own image, but was suddenly replaced by the other party. Bei Tinghuang was almost shocked. To fall from the sky.

"Huang'er, there is something wrong with Yinyue City, come to Yancheng as soon as possible, I will wait for you!"

The other party seemed to extend his hand, so Bei Tinghuang took two steps forward, but at this moment, Yan Ye was just a figure transformed by divine thoughts, even if he thought about it in his heart, he couldn't touch her.The man's eyes were as deep as the sea, gentle as the ocean, enveloping her, "No matter how many years, I will wait for you! But you, don't die!"

Her nose was sore, Bei Tinghuang's eye sockets became hot, she quickly raised her head, not allowing liquid to flow out of her eyes, took a deep breath, and a voice came out of her nose, "Hmm!"

She didn't expect that a thought in her heart had already been known in Yan Ye, who was far away in Yan City.She didn't know what method he used to find out her mind. For the first time, her mind was known, but she didn't feel disgusted at all. She only felt a burst of comfort in her heart.

Of course she knew the reason why he used such a massive battle to save her. In 33 days, there were a total of ten Supreme Beings, and at least ten strong men could come down, each of whom was stronger than her now. He was using this method to announce to everyone that no one was allowed to touch her!
The people of Yinyue Liberia were already scared out of their wits at this time.No one expected that such a powerful person would suddenly appear and forcibly reverse the situation of a battle that was sure to win.They were in the mood to cry and scold their mothers, and they wanted to greet this person's eighteen generations of ancestors, but no one dared to speak out. After all, this person's strength was simply beyond their expectations.

The giant sword disappeared from the sky.No one saw that at this moment, in the corner of Silvermoon City, a figure wrapped in a black cloak was all over his body. He slowly put away the judgment scepter aimed at Bei Tinghuang, and his eyes of hatred were directed at Bei Tinghuang glanced fiercely, but dodged helplessly and disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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