Meng Shao, you have today too

Chapter 110 A touch of desolation

Chapter 110 A touch of desolation

Dean Huang frowned slightly, and then his eyes seemed to have an unusual light, and then said to Meng Haoquan: "Haoquan, Peng Nan is my student, and I introduced her to Meng's family to be a family doctor. Go ask her what's going on."

Chen Meilan raised her head and said, "Fortunately, Ze Xiao is fine this time. If Ze Xiao made a mistake and Peng Nan didn't show up at the critical moment as a family doctor, it is also a matter of professional ethics. Dean Huang, if Peng Nan doesn't want to do it , you can help us find another doctor with good experience and qualifications."

Dean Huang said: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter as soon as possible."

Seeing that Meng Zexiao's condition was stable, Meng Haoquan and Chen Meilan left the hospital after being transferred from the treatment room to the advanced ward.After that, Mrs. Qi persuaded Kong Lingxin to go back to rest and come back tomorrow morning, but Kong Lingxin insisted on staying in the hospital and waiting for Meng Zexiao to wake up.

Mrs. Qi went to the corridor outside the ward, waiting for Kong Lingxin's orders.

There were only the two of them left in the ward. Kong Lingxin looked at Meng Zexiao's pale snow-like face and sighed guiltily again. She sat by the bedside and said "I'm sorry". She didn't know if Meng Zexiao could hear it.

Kong Lingxin didn't know how to face Meng Zexiao after waking up, knowing that he was allergic to peppercorns and deliberately punishing him like this.Although luckily this time it was not enough to kill him, if he fainted outside today instead of at home, it would be difficult to guarantee timely medical treatment, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

All this left Kong Lingxin with lingering fears. Although she hated Meng Zexiao, she would never be able to do it. This experience was enough to make her tremble with fear.

Perhaps the doctor's treatment gradually took effect. Gradually, Meng Zexiao's complexion improved, and his lips turned red, but he sweated a lot. The sweat beads on his forehead were densely packed, and the hospital gown was wet.

Kong Lingxin hurriedly went to the bathroom in the ward to fetch a basin of warm water to wipe his sweat, unbuttoned the top of the hospital gown, and helped him wipe the sweat off his upper body over and over again.

There was almost no time to rest all night. Kong Lingxin knew very well that everything she did for Meng Zexiao was a feeling of guilt and atonement, so she was able to treat him meticulously.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning of the next day that Meng Zexiao stopped sweating, and Kong Lingxin realized that his condition was not very good after his condition stabilized.

She ran to the bathroom in the ward over and over again, taking care of Meng Zexiao and her own diarrhea, Kong Lingxin almost collapsed.Although she knew that Mrs. Qi was waiting for her orders at the door of the ward, Kong Lingxin still hoped that she would take care of Meng Zexiao herself, at least until he woke up and said sorry to him personally.

In the early morning, the autumn wind blew the curtains slightly, and the morning light squeezed into the ward through the gaps in the curtains. Meng Zexiao's thick eyelashes moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes to see Kong Lingxin lying on his bedside with a haggard face.

Looking around, Meng Zexiao found that the environment was very strange. Seeing the hanging bottle hanging beside the bed and the hospital gown he was wearing, Meng Zexiao knew that he was in the hospital now.

As for how he came to the hospital, Meng Zexiao couldn't remember at all. He only remembered that after Kong Lingxin was sent upstairs, he kept drinking water and went to the toilet.

Looking at Kong Lingxin's appearance, Meng Zexiao knew that she had been with him for a whole night, and felt a feeling that he had never felt before.

Meng Zexiao couldn't help stretching out his hand to caress Kong Lingxin's tired face. Kong Lingxin felt a movement and immediately opened his eyes. At the same time, Meng Zexiao quickly retracted his hand. He knew that she didn't like him touching her.

Seeing Meng Zexiao waking up, Kong Lingxin's tired and haggard face was filled with surprise immediately, and Kong Lingxin's cheerful voice immediately sounded in the originally silent ward: "You've woken up, you scared me to death! How do you feel? Does it hurt? Does the stomach hurt? "

After finishing speaking, Kong Lingxin stretched out his hand to touch Meng Zexiao's forehead, then touched his own forehead, and said as if relieved: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not burning, that's great!"

The moment Kong Lingxin's soft and cold hand touched Meng Zexiao's forehead, the tough and steady Meng Zexiao felt his nose sore...

Then Meng Zexiao heard Kong Lingxin say: "I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Meng Zexiao sat up slowly, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, how could it be you who harmed me? It was I who insisted on going to eat such a spicy dish with you."

After finishing speaking, Meng Zexiao coughed for a while, probably because it was so hot that his throat was not very good.

Kong Lingxin hurriedly poured him a glass of water, and handed him the medicine he should have taken this morning.

According to Meng Zexiao's original temper, it was unlikely that he would take medicine, but seeing Kong Lingxin's expectant eyes, he obediently took all the medicine.

Kong Lingxin took a closer look and found that although Meng Zexiao's complexion was still not very good, it was much better than before when it was as white as a sheet of paper.While he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't know how to continue the topic of apologizing just now.

After obtaining Meng Zexiao's consent, Kong Lingxin went to open the curtains, and when he turned his head, he saw Meng Zexiao's face showing a beautiful appearance against the sunlight. abnormal.

Kong Lingxin's face became slightly hot, and she didn't dare to look at him again, and said in a low voice: "I have to tell you the truth, actually... Actually I know you are allergic to peppercorns, so I deliberately took you to a Sichuan restaurant for dinner, and specially Order dishes with were hospitalized because of me...I really didn't know your allergies would be so serious...sorry..."

After finishing speaking intermittently, Kong Lingxin didn't dare to look up at Meng Zexiao, and quietly waited for his anger. The moment Kong Lingxin said it, she was determined to be responsible for what she did, even if she was scolded and beaten by him. She can bear it all, after all, these are nothing compared to the pain he suffered last night.

But after waiting for a long time, Meng Zexiao didn't make a sound, neither beat nor scolded.

In fact, Meng Zexiao was experiencing a fierce inner struggle at this time. He thought of Kong Lingxin's miscarriage and hospitalization. When he saw her lying on the bed, the first thing he said when he woke up was to ask the child.When she learned that the child was gone, Kong Lingxin burst into tears.

When hearing Kong Lingxin cry at the beginning, Meng Zexiao also felt very uneasy. After all, miscarriage hurts a woman very much. Besides, she was pregnant with his child. Although she was not ready to be a father, when she heard After the child was gone, Meng Zexiao also felt a little sad and guilty.

It's just that the small amount of sadness and guilt was wiped out by Kong Lingxin's long-lasting crying, and he didn't want to come to the hospital to hear her cry the next day.

But today, she just made him allergic and upset his stomach, but she was able to guard herself for a whole night. From her haggard face, it could be seen that she almost didn't sleep all night.

After a suffocating silence, Meng Zexiao said in a hoarse voice: "It's okay, compared to the crimes you have suffered, this is nothing. Just treat it as if I paid you back, you don't have to feel guilty..."

Kong Lingxin was slightly startled, the domineering and arrogant Meng Zexiao would say such a thing...

Meng Zexiao continued: "I used to be self-righteous, thinking that as a woman, I could obey me unconditionally, and no matter what I did, I could be forgiven. But after you came back from a miscarriage, I found that I was no longer in your heart. The status of the past. So I made a mistake~ cheap to find a sense of existence in your heart... After what happened last night, I realized that I am not as important as I thought..."

After finishing speaking, Meng Zexiao laughed at himself, and there was a hint of desolation in his hoarse laughter.

This kind of voice made Kong Lingxin feel very uncomfortable. She didn't know whether it was right for her to do so, and whether the man her sister loved so much should really use what she thought was a just means to take revenge...

Kong Lingxin looked up at Meng Zexiao, only to see that his eyes were pitch black, like a pool of well water, bottomless.

She said: "Actually, we may not be particularly suitable..."

She didn't know what force made Kong Lingxin have the courage to say this to Meng Zexiao. She felt that if Meng Zexiao also thought that she was not suitable for him, maybe the two of them could get along more harmoniously in the future.

The reason why Meng Zexiao chose marriage was to make Meng Haoquan's decision. Since Meng Haoquan chose Kong Lingxin to be his second daughter-in-law, he would not let them divorce easily.

Using this time of peaceful coexistence, Kong Lingxin can learn to improve herself and help the Kong family to tide over difficulties.And it's not bad for Meng Zexiao, he can continue to go out and spend time looking for women, she won't mind it.

Once Meng Zexiao found a woman he thought he loved and was suitable for him, Kong Lingxin could choose to end the marriage with him at any time.

Meng Zexiao said: "It's up to me whether it's suitable or not!"

He has returned to his domineering nature.

While talking, there was a knock on the door. After Kong Lingxin said please come in, she saw Aunt Lin and Chen Meilan walking in with lunch boxes.

After Chen Meilan glanced at Kong Lingxin expressionlessly, she changed her concerned expression and walked to Meng Zexiao's bed, and said, "Son, how are you? Does your head still hurt? Does your stomach still hurt?"

Meng Zexiao said, "Don't worry mom, I'm fine."

Chen Meilan said: "Where did you suffer from such a crime when you were young? Last night you really scared your mother to death, and you didn't sleep well all night when you went back. Director Huang said, try to eat lightly these days, so arrange it early in the morning. The servant will cook porridge for you. Come and feed you breakfast."

While Chen Meilan was speaking, Mrs. Lin had already opened the lunch box, filled out a bowl of porridge and handed it to Chen Meilan.

Chen Meilan took the porridge, picked up a spoon and dug a spoonful, then blew it lightly a few times, and sent it to Meng Zexiao's mouth, unexpectedly, Meng Zexiao blocked it with his hand and said, "Mom, I'm not hungry, just let it go." , I’ll eat it myself when I’m hungry.”

(End of this chapter)

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