Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1292

Chapter 1292
To pass yourself off at this time?
From the looks of it, the Xu family didn't want to make matters worse.

Since they wanted to turn off the flames, Pei Hong didn't want to take care of this rotten matter, so he followed Xu Qi and responded directly, "Okay, since Mr. Xu Qi said so, I will go to solve the panic outside first."

"Thank you, Mr. Pei."

Xu Qi clasped his fists in salute, and sent Pei Hong away respectfully.

He himself also went outside the door, and said to the onlookers, "Everyone dispersed. It was Wanrong who accidentally broke her hands and feet. This is a small matter that disturbed everyone's lunch break. Everyone apologizes."

"So that's it, Mr. Xu is being polite."

"Miss Xu should take good care of her injuries. If you need any dressing for trauma, you can find me."

"Xu Wanrong's luck is too bad. Just a place the size of a palm can break a bone?"

"Let's go, let's practice. Don't worry about your business!"

"Brother Gao said, don't mind your own business!"


Everyone left in a hurry and dispersed.

Five people from the Xu family surrounded Xu Wanrong's door. Xu Ge took a look at the situation in the room, frowned, and quickly ordered the people beside him, "Go and see how Xu Yan is doing."

"Huh? Xu Yan didn't come!"

Only then did the other four members of the Xu family realize that there was such a commotion here, but Xu Yan didn't come!

This is really a strange thing, to know that Xu Yan likes Xu Wanrong, among them, who doesn't know?
For the past few days, Xu Yan has followed Xu Wanrong's side every day, flattering her like a pug, making the other four lose their appetite.

The four of them knocked on Xu Yan's door together, but got no response.

One of them thought there was a problem, so he pushed hard and broke the wooden bar in the house, allowing them to come in from the outside.

After entering the room, the four of them were all dumbfounded!

Because Xu Yan's death was terrifying, his eyes were wide open and he was staring at the door, blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, and his chest was sunken!
He was still kneeling when he collapsed to the ground.

This death is extremely strange!
Xu Ge stood not far away, seeing the four people rushing into the room, there was silence, and immediately ran into the room, wanting to see what was going on.

As a result, the situation that entered and imprinted in the pupils of the eyes was like this.

Xu Ge suppressed the astonishment on his face, walked to Xu Yan's side step by step, and stretched out his hand to check for him.

After Xu Qi walked in, he was equally shocked!
Xu Wanrong's situation, he thought it was an accident, but he didn't expect that her matter had not been resolved, and Xu Yan died tragically in his room!
This... Could it be that someone is retaliating against the Xu family?
Xu Qi ordered the other four people to go out, and asked them to carry Xu Wanrong to the bed, take care of them carefully, and then go there by himself later.

After Xu Ge finished the inspection, he walked to the copper plate on the side and cleaned the blood on his hands. Without Xu Qi asking, he said slowly: "Xu Yan was poisoned, and his death was accidental. Because he was going to go to the When pouring water in front of the table to drink, his feet were broken, his body leaned forward, and hit the corner of the table heavily, and then the corner of the table crushed his ribs in front of his chest. When he rebounded and fell to the ground, his ribs penetrated. It entered the lung lobe and heart, and died on the spot!"

"Poisoned? How could you be poisoned?"

Xu Qi was surprised. There was nothing unusual these days, and Xu Yan didn't offend anyone. Why was he poisoned?

(End of this chapter)

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