Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318
Xingyao was confused about the direction.

And Bai Yiqi came to Soul Refining Valley for the first time, in his opinion, he still needs to find water sources, solve the problem of water shortage, and then think about other things.He has a small body with a mahogany sword tied behind his back.

Don't underestimate this mahogany sword, it was left by Jin Yu to his apprentice.

After Jin Yu's death, this mahogany sword was handed over to Bai Yiqi.

Bai Yiqi blesses this mahogany sword every day.

And this blessing is naturally the blessing of Dao Dharma, burn incense and offer it every day, and recite the Heavenly Dao Sutra a hundred times.

When Gui Ji was stabbed by this mahogany sword, she was seriously injured, and her realm was directly reduced, so she had to go to the world to find Yang Qi, so as to nourish the lost Yin Qi.

Bai Yiqi held a gossip compass in his hand, and put it on the palm of his hand. At such a young age, he didn't have the slightest smile on his face, he was as cold as a statue, and he tightly pressed his lips together, "Follow me."

"it is good."

Xingyao will not doubt him, because among the group, he is the most powerful.

If Bai Yiqi wanted to harm him, then he would not be able to live.

Because, after going out from Soul Refining Valley, it is Fengyou Palace, which is the territory of Minghai.

My father will definitely know about my own death immediately. My father said that he has a telepathic connection with me.

I was born at that time, because my father was in seclusion, attacking the ghost emperor realm, so I couldn't feel my existence for the first time, so I couldn't come to see myself.In addition, Huang Quan was at war for many years, so it took a long time, until Xingyao was over three years old, and this was the first time he saw his father.

Long Xuan looked around and felt that the environment here was a bit familiar. She was afraid that she might be mistaken, so she recalled it carefully, and finally said: "Brother Xingyao, this road is the road to Tie Feng Xi."

"Where is the old rhino?"

Hearing this, Xingyao touched his chin, then squinted his eyes, "It's okay, then go and have a look."

"But Tie Fengxi is very powerful..."

"No matter how tyrannical the old rhinoceros is, if it confronts my Yelou Knife again, I guarantee it will die of pain!"

Xingyao smiled very happily. When he was practicing in Fengyou Palace, Dao Linghuozhu whispered something to him later, saying that it accidentally released a little bit of the fire poison it carried on its body to the old rhinoceros. If there is no Guozi (Yinxie fruit tree), it is impossible for the opponent to get rid of the fire poison in the body.

After knowing this, how could Xingyao be angry?

On the contrary, he praised Dao Ling Huo Zhu well. During this period of time, although the Yinxie fruit tree had no place to take root, it turned into a virtual shape, directly with Huo Zhu, and entered the Yelou Dao to play, and there was no intention of taking root idea.

As for Xingyao, he was busy avenging his adoptive father, so he naturally had no time to pay attention to the evil fruit tree.

In this way, they avoided the beasts along the way and arrived at the lake without incident.

Xingyao, Long Xuan, Bai Yiqi, the three little brats stood by the lake together.

The originally calm lake suddenly churned, and then a man's figure appeared on the surface of the lake. The old rhinoceros head was originally a rhinoceros head, and now it can be regarded as a real human.

Xingyao recognizes him because his costume has not changed at all.

Tie Fengxi came out to take a look, his eyes widened, and he looked at the three little kids in front of him who only reached his thighs!

His face changed, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, are these three little kids here to die?

(End of this chapter)

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