Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1327 Night Attack 1

Chapter 1327 Night Attack 1
"Brother Ye is right. Let's take turns keeping vigil with each other tonight. Just in case of accidents."

Yunxie immediately seconded the proposal.

Although there are not many villagers here, there are only about six families, but they disappeared quietly like this. These six families did not move with the whole family, because there are still many clothes and pearls in the house. If you want to move, you don’t need to bring them. Put on clothes, but pearls are the currency that can be used on Dabei Island, how could they throw them away?

Therefore, these six families disappeared without a trace, no matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

In the first half of the night, Ji Ye and Pang Shaoqing guarded, while Yun Xie and Wan Zhai rested.

In the second half of the night, vigil and rest are interchanged.

In the first half of the night, nothing happened.

And in the middle of the night, weird noises could be heard.

Yun Xie was originally sitting cross-legged at the door, when he heard a sound, he opened his closed eyes and looked at Wan Zhai, "Brother Wan Zhai, what did you hear?"

"Well, I heard a little sound. I can feel that the murderous intent is approaching us step by step."

"Didn't you say that there is no activity within five miles? Why at this time..."

Wan Zhai frowned, "It depends on whether the other party is good at hiding. If so, it's useless for me to investigate."

In this way, this thing that made a noise is a bit smart!

Yun Xie did not immediately wake up the two people who were resting in the room, but stood guard at the door with Wan Zhai, one left and one right, waiting for the murderous thing to show its face.

In the dark night, two black figures slowly appeared.

These two figures are a bit huge, like elephants in stature, but those faint green eyes, like will-o'-the-wisps, are alluring!
When Wan Zhai saw these two guys, he couldn't help exclaiming, "This is... a one-horned dragon wolf!"

Yun Xie swallowed, she had seen Longlang before.When he was in the Southern Territory, he had fought with the dragon wolf.

However, the dragon wolf at that time was not as strong as these two guys!
The one-horned dragon wolf has black fur all over its body, and in the night, it is very fast, with a vigorous figure and bloody body, and it attacked Wan Zhai viciously.

There is a single pointed horn on the top of the head, coupled with the tall body, and the speed comparable to the wind, in the blink of an eye, it landed in front of Wan Zhai one after the other.

Wan Zhai clenched his fists and coldly ordered Yunxie: "Wake them up quickly! This one-horned dragon and wolf have always been a male and a female. Although they don't live in groups, they are powerful. , can't hurt them at all! I'll drag them first!"


Knowing that the situation was unusual, Yun Xie rushed into the room to wake up the sleeping Ji Ye and Pang Shaoqing.

Afterwards, three people rushed out from the house, and rushed in one after another to rescue Wan Zhai.

Just now Wan Zhai defended against the two one-horned dragons and wolves by himself, and received quite a few attacks. Although it was only a short period of time, his arm was wounded by wolf claws, three bloodstains, The skin was cut open, and the blood flow continued.

Yun Xie couldn't care less, drew out his Rakshasa sword, and started attacking the one-horned dragon wolf in front of him.

She moved, and Ji Ye on the side didn't stay still, and then followed Yun Xie, and unleashed his strongest attack.

When Ji Ye faced the one-horned dragon and wolf, his fair complexion, sharp-edged features, and the scars on his face ruined his appearance, but added a bit of ruthlessness.

(End of this chapter)

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