Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1329 Night Attack 3

Chapter 1329 Night Attack 3
"Phew! I finally took down these two evil beasts!"

Ji Ye took a breath, exhausted.

Yun Xie was also uncomfortable, so she stuck her sword on the ground and borrowed the strength of the hilt to keep her from falling to the ground.

I couldn't help feeling in my heart that the beasts on Dabei Island were too terrifying.

Only the two one-horned dragon wolves were so difficult that the four of them almost died here. If it weren't for the tacit understanding between each other, the strength is not too useless, and it is finally safe and sound.

From the cheek to the neck, Ji Ye had a new injury, which looked very scary.

Although Yunxie's face was not injured, his arms and legs were injured. Of course, he was not bitten by the unicorn wolf, but scratched by the unicorn wolf's claws.

Wan Zhai was protecting Pang Shaoqing, because the two one-horned dragons and wolves had been wrestling with Yun Xie and Ji Ye all the time, so apart from being injured at the beginning, Wan Zhai was not injured much later.

At this time, the two one-horned dragon wolves were covered with wounds all over their bodies.

Sword wounds, and crossbow piercing wounds.

What made Yunxie feel strange was that the crossbow in Pang Shaoqing's hand fired five arrows at once every time.

The quality of the arrow is crystal clear, and at night, it looks like a white crystal.

But after the launch, there was still a trace of people from the beginning, and after that, they disappeared completely.

When Yunxie was fighting with the one-horned dragon wolf, he knew clearly that every time Pang Shaoqing shot the one-horned dragon wolf with his crossbow, the expression on the one-horned dragon wolf's face would become distorted, so he treated her The counterattack was even more violent.

So in this way, Yun Xie was naturally under a lot of pressure.

The same is true for Ji Ye.

However, the most dangerous time has passed.

Right now, what they have to do is to slaughter the two one-horned dragons and wolves.

Pang Shaoqing didn't go forward, but at a distance from the one-horned dragon and wolf, he raised his hand again and fired ten shots in a row, directly causing the two one-horned dragon and wolf to end their lives.

Yun Xie raised her eyebrows and looked at Pang Shaoqing, "Brother Shaoqing, the crossbow in your hand looks good."

Pang Shaoqing smiled, and said complacently: "Yueyue, you still have vision. This crossbow is not an ordinary crossbow, and the bow and arrow are not ordinary bows and arrows either. This is something that anyone with a martial spirit can condense out." The bow and arrow. It’s just the attributes of the bow and arrow, it depends on the person who owns the crossbow. Like brother Ji Ye, they all have the ice attribute, so we can use condensed ice arrows and shoot them out.”

"What if it's fire?" Yun Xie asked.

Pang Shaoqing explained: "It must be an arrow of the fire attribute. If this kind of arrow is shot into the body, it will definitely be uncomfortable. Because this is a real way to put all the internal energy of the martial spirit into the body, which is equivalent to being affected by the opponent's move."

"Hey, such a good baby. Brother Shaoqing, you are too stingy to use it alone. After the mission in the Gebu Forest is completed this time, give us all three a bow and crossbow. "

"What's the use of waiting until this task is completed, I have ready-made ones here!"

Pang Shaoqing waved his hand, and directly found three crossbows from one of his rings. The appearance of this upstart made Yun Xie twitch, "Why do you have so many, don't tell me, these crossbows are fragile ?”

Otherwise, how could this kid carry so many crossbows?

(End of this chapter)

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