Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1416 Feng Jing 2

Chapter 1416 Feng Jing 2

Feng Jing gritted her teeth angrily, stared at him, her hands were itchy and wanted to slap him.

However, she did nothing.

She doesn't want to waste time getting along with this kind of relationship, leaving is the only and best choice.

"Can you really not care? Your appearance just now doesn't look like you don't care at all."

Feng Jing could only pretend that she couldn't hear the proud voice like a ghost, coming to her from behind.

Don't want to be influenced by him, she is now - very good.

As for her mother, the woman who stubbornly waited for her husband to look back at her one day—the mother who was unwilling to leave that hell with her, she... really couldn't do anything.

Although she knew that her powerlessness was a fact, Feng Lun's words entangled her tightly like a demon, which made her mood sink in an instant.

Can she really ignore it?

Can it be done?

After leaving Feng Lun, Feng Jing never expected to meet a woman here.

And this woman's youthful temperament is so dazzling that no one can ignore it.Feng Jing recognizes her, she is Ji Yaoyue from Shangqing College, and she has not lost a single record so far.

Yun Xie glanced at her, "Is that man your elder brother?"

"A family member who wants to sell me anytime, anywhere, I am grateful." It wasn't her self-pity, she was just answering very realistically.

Or should I say, in Feng's family, everyone is indifferent.

Therefore, since she was a child, she has never felt any family affection. For her, the Feng family has no memories worthy of her nostalgia. The only thing she can care about is her stupid mother.

"He sold you?"

Yun Xie's voice suddenly condensed into ice, these words seemed to come out from between her teeth.

Feng Jing was a little surprised, completely puzzled, where did her anger come from.

The anger was so obvious that it was hard for her to ignore it.

"Why are you angry?"

Feng Jing finally couldn't help asking.

Yun Xie reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "I'm angry because of the unfairness of fate. You are the only one in the Feng family that I can see. Compared with you, Feng Qing is better than her. If you have any If you have a problem, you can tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help you."

After speaking, Yun Xie gave her a light hug.

In this hug, Feng Jing saw her eyes, looked at her, and her heart suddenly moved.


Are you feeling sorry for her?
Yun Xie gave her a knowing smile, "Actually, it's not difficult for your mother to leave Feng's house safely. As long as you want, I can do it for you."


Feng Jing asked back in surprise, and when she realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, she quickly pursed her lips in annoyance.

Yun Xie said word by word: "I, Ji Yaoyue, never make random promises to others. If you trust me, then leave this matter to me. At the end of the competition between the disciples of the six colleges, I will let you I saw your mother."

"You... why did you help me?"

"I just saw injustice and drew my sword to help."

Yun Xie said bluntly.

Feng Jing stayed there, then shook her head, "Do you want me to be your pawn in Feng's house?"


Girl, you think too much.

Yun Xie stroked his forehead, "Feng Jing, I don't need you as a chess piece. Even if I want a chess piece, this chess piece will never be you. You just passed the Meixiang Inn, so I met you and your elder brother. Of course I I have the right to turn a blind eye. But because I feel that you and Feng Qing are not the same kind of people, so I will do so, if you think I am meddling, you can just treat what I say as farting."

(End of this chapter)

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