Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447
Far away in Soul Refining Valley in Huangquan, Jia Ye quietly arranged everything, and then went directly to Soul Refining Valley.

He still couldn't let his son go on an adventure alone. In his opinion, his son's behavior was more like nonsense.

How easy is it to subdue the three kings of evil beasts?
If the kings of the three evil beasts were so talkative, when the ghost people from the ghost domain came to the Soul Refining Valley to practice, they would be merciful and not kill them all.

Therefore, after Jia Ye entered Soul Refining Valley, he relied on the blood connection between father and son, and then looked for the location of his son.

What surprised him was that his son Xingyao was in the lake where Tie Fengxi was. How could he have gone there?
Anxious in his heart, Jia Ye didn't dare to stop for half a step. They managed to escape from Soul Refining Valley before, but after his son entered Soul Refining Valley, he went to Tie Fengxi's place.


How to keep Jia Ye's heart from burning like fire?
When he finally came to the lake, he didn't expect that what he saw made him suspect that there was something wrong with his eyes.

——Beside the lake, Xingyao, Long Xuan, and Bai Yiqi, three big kids, were sitting with Tie Fengxi in front of a campfire, chatting happily.

When Jia Ye appeared in front of them like a gust of wind, Xing Yao's eyes lit up and he was ecstatic, "Father, why are you here?"

Tie Fengxi sat there, looking directly at Jia Ye, without saying a word.

Jia Ye hugged his son and did not answer his question. His eyes fell on Tie Fengxi, "Senior, the children are ignorant. If you offend them, you can just blame me and forgive them." Bar."

The voice has a steady, full-bodied Huduzi.

The breeze blew past, lifting his silver hair and fluttering faintly in the air, exuding a kind of silver intimidation.

The corners of Jia Ye's mouth are cold and tight, the handsome face like a knife is carved with handsome sword eyebrows, slender and sharp black eyes, thin and lightly pursed lips, sharp-edged outline, slender and tall but not rough figure .Dressed in pitch-black robes, like an eagle in the dark night, cold and lonely but aggressive, exuding a strength that disdains the world in solitude.

Tie Fengxi looked at such a ghost emperor and couldn't help smiling, "You are a good father."

Jia Ye was taken aback by his praise, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

On the contrary, Xingyao, who was held in his arms, stretched out his hand and turned his father's handsome face. When their eyes met, Xingyao said, "Father, what are you talking about? Old Xi is my subordinate." Defeat!"

Old rhinoceros?


Jia Ye's face was full of astonishment. He never expected that in just a short period of ten years, his son defeated Tie Fengxi, one of the three evil beasts.

He was a little surprised, and even couldn't believe it.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Xingyao glared at Tie Fengxi, "Old Xi, come here, and tell my father, is there any water in what I said?"


Moisture is naturally absent.

But the question is, whether the ghost emperor in front of him will believe it is another matter.

Tie Fengxi sat there motionless, and spoke after a while, "Emperor Jia Ye, what Xingyao said is true. I am now his subordinate."

As soon as these words came out, Jia Ye was stunned.

Son... really defeated Tie Fengxi.

What happened to this world?
He hasn't been to Soul Refining Valley for too long, so what happened in Soul Refining Valley is like listening to a book outside the sky to him.

However, if Xingyao is calculated based on the age of ordinary people, he is only six years old!

(End of this chapter)

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