Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1453 Fame 6

Chapter 1453 Fame 6
Attacking Shi Zhen's eyes was a very risky move.

However, Yunxie's body has four spiritual roots, namely, fire, water, thunder, and electricity.

Except for water, which is healing, the other three spiritual roots are all aggressive spiritual roots.

Fire is fundamental, and it is what Yunxie possessed at the beginning, otherwise she would not be able to make pills, how can she make pills without fire?
Electricity is the fourth spiritual root that I only possessed when I came to Anhuang Capital in the last two months. It is only involved in the beginning, and I am not very familiar with it, but there is the existence of my junior sister Wei Fanyu, who is best at lightning I asked her a lot about the application of electric spirit root.

At this time, it is not difficult for Yun Xie to use the electric spirit root.

Shi Zhen only felt that the breath of Ji Yaoyue's whole body had changed, and his figure became more and more ghostly. He didn't even give her a chance to move, so naturally he didn't dare to underestimate her.

The security is strict, and Ji Yaoyue is not underestimated.

Yun Xie also saw Shi Zhen's actions, so he decided to fight Shi Zhen.

With Lei Lingen's fist, he swung it directly.

When Shi Zhen saw the roaring thunder coming, a circle of earthy yellow light appeared on his body immediately. This is the characteristic of the earth spirit root, and the biggest characteristic of the earth spirit root is defense.

He summoned the earth spirit root, which is definitely the best choice.

It was also because he summoned the earth spirit root that he was not seriously injured.

No, everyone thought that Yunxie's punch was just Lei Lingen's fist.

However, since Yun Xie decided to make a move, how could it be just a fist of Lei Linggen?

No, after the fist was swung, there were a few strands of electricity from the hair-like roots of electricity, which went straight to Shi Zhen's eyes.

By the time Shi Zhen realized it, it was too late.

Therefore, the electric wisp pierced his eyes, causing him to scream in an instant, and he took a few steps back.

The person has already reached the outside of the bounds, and he puts his hands on his eyes, feeling a burning pain.

"Stone shock!"

"Dashi, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?"

"Oishi's eyes are hurt!"

"What? How could this be?"

There are still many people who are worried about Shi Zhen.

For example, his bad friends stepped forward one by one, surrounded him one after another, talking in a hurry.

Yun Xie stood there, motionless, and watched the scene quietly.

Shi Zhen only felt his eyes hurt for a while, and then it was cold, which made him feel better. He opened his eyes gently. Although he felt that his eyes still hurt a little, it still allowed him to see everything in front of him clearly. He felt lucky.

He looked at his position, couldn't help clenching his fists, and said loudly, "I lost."

Seeing him admitting defeat, Yun Xie walked up to him step by step, "I have water spirit root, which can heal your eyes, would you like it?"

"It's work."

Seeing her offer, Shi Zhen immediately nodded and agreed to let her treat his eyes.

Yun Xie was not hypocritical, he stepped forward and acted generously, and then healed his eyes.

Outsiders don't know the situation, but she knows it best, electric thread, that's not something to be taken lightly.

Although it is as thin as a hair, the place it attacks is the weakest part of the human body - the eyes.

Losing both eyes means becoming blind.

Shi Zhen felt that her hands were cold, which brought warmth and comfort to the stinging eyes, and he thanked, "Thank you for your mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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