Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1468 Leisusu 2 [10 more]

Chapter 1468 Leisusu 2 [10 more]

But if he can't tell the good from the bad from the mere alchemist's alchemy, he, the alchemy master, is too watery, right?

Therefore, Yunxie said that there is no problem.

But Lei Susu had already left Bidoutai and walked to another place, where a medicine cauldron had already been prepared and placed there.

There were so many people around just now, Yun Xie didn't see it, so now he can see it clearly, and he can't help thinking that Lei Susu has come prepared for a long time!
But this competition is also unfair, right?
Lei Susu's place, the medicine cauldron, and other medicinal materials are all ready.

But here Yunxie, there are no ghosts!
Yun Xie took a deep breath, not wanting to get angry with these meaningless people.

Walking to a corner, this place is where she rests.

Sitting down on the chair, Ji Ye immediately leaned over, "Sister, that Lei Susu wants to compete with you in alchemy?"

"Well, didn't you hear what she said just now?"

Yun Xie nodded, but his expression was indifferent.

Pang Shaoqing was a little angry, "Look at the medicine cauldron, there are medicinal materials and so on. In my opinion, she has prepared it long ago to compete with you in alchemy."

"Hmm, that's true."

Yun Xie replied lightly.

Wan Zhai cast a coveted look at her, "Aren't you angry?"

"What's there to be angry about?"

"You can swallow her doing this?"

Yun Xie looked at Wan Zhai, and said quietly: "If it's something else, I might not swallow it, but it's more like alchemy... I'm actually very welcome."

She has never been a good opponent, Lei Susu's competition with her, she thought it would be a head-to-head competition.

Unexpectedly, Lei Susu would propose alchemy unexpectedly.

And alchemy is Yunxie's strong point.

Competing in alchemy, who was she afraid of?
So, knowing the other party's thoughts, how could she refuse the other party's kindness?
This is a proper way for him to win, the benefits that are delivered to his door, Yun Xie will not foolishly refuse!
So, next, you only need to use your strength to defeat the opponent.

Just step on the pride of Lei Susu on the ground.

For alchemists, the beginners are alchemists, followed by alchemy, alchemy, and finally alchemy.

But Lei Susu and Yun Xie just made it very clear that what she wants to compete is the alchemist's elixir.

The alchemist, the best is the top-level elixir.

When he was in Nanle Country, Yunxie had refined the top-level Guying Pill.Now she wants to refine or can get a powerful pill.

Li Po Pill is fundamentally different from Li Yuan Pill, which is the sixth-grade Huangpin pill.

If Shi Zhen takes the top-level Lipo Pill, it should be able to directly break through his weakness. From then on, his eyes will no longer be a weakness.

Yunxie knew how to refine this Lipo pill, so he actually wanted to befriend Shi Zhen, a big fool.

After the dinner and conversation last night, Yun Xie felt that Shi Zhen was a trustworthy friend, so when he decided to make an alchemy competition, the Power Breaking Pill flashed through his mind.

The junior sister Wei Fanyu on the side was a little nervous, "Senior sister, Lei Susu has started to make alchemy, so what do we need to prepare for you?"

Yun Xie glanced at Junior Sister and patted her on the shoulder, "Junior Sister, do you really want to help me?"

"of course."

Wei Fanyu nodded like medicine, with a sincere face.

"Then you just go find an iron pot."

"What? What? Iron pot!"

Wei Fanyu's eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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