Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1635 Moon God Temple 1

Chapter 1635 Moon God Temple 1
Moon Temple.

When he came to the Moon God Temple, Yun Xie found that the palace here was wider and more majestic than imagined.

Entering the hall, there are a thousand stone sculptures, and they are all statues of the same woman.

Although the face is the same, the behavior of each of her statues is completely different.

For example, some are playing the piano, some are dancing, some are playing chess, some are reading poetry...

When looking at these thousand stone carvings, a lifelike moon god will appear in my mind. She is knowledgeable, good at music and dance, poetry and painting, chess and martial arts...

How to put it, this woman is more like a deified fairy.

In the Temple of the Moon God, there are also legends about the Moon God.

Legend——Moon Goddess is the island creation fairy of Dabei Island. She is the main god of this world. The people of the island cannot leave the island, but the people of the Tiancheng mainland can enter and leave the Dabei Island.

It is also because of this restriction that Dabei Island maintains a sense of mystery and is very powerful.

People in Tiancheng Continent want to be stronger, but they can only come here to learn martial arts and improve themselves.

But in fact, all the people from Tiancheng Continent are weak.

Only after leaving here, he is a little bit stronger, but compared to the masters on Dabei Island, he is not very satisfied.

The people of Dabei Island cannot leave Dabei Island, which also determines that they can only survive in the huge area of ​​Dabei Island. The choice of war or peace is in their hands and has nothing to do with outsiders.

Once people from Dabei Island can enter Tiancheng Continent, I am afraid that all countries in Tiancheng Continent will become small countries attached to Dabei Island, paying tribute every year, which may not be able to protect the country and their homes.

After entering the Moon God Temple, I realized how big and scary this place is.

It takes three hours just to watch the flowers on horseback. If you stop and watch carefully, it will definitely take more time.

Yun Xie has benefited a lot from the Moon God Temple all day long.

From the few words carved under the wall, thinking of the bottleneck in his recent cultivation, he also figured out that, in fact, no matter whether it is the people of Dabei Island or Tiancheng Continent, they are all the same kind of people.

The reason why the people of Great Compassion Island cultivate faster and are stronger than the people of Tiancheng Continent is because of their blood relationship.

However, the blood of the strong is very small.

And the royal Xie family is one of the strong ones.

Then, there are people from the four major families, and after that, they are the kind of dark horses with outstanding talents and decent physical fitness.

For example, Wan Tianhua, Duke of Zhen Guo, is not weak, and he is loyal to the royal family. Otherwise, with the status of the eldest princess, how could he marry instead of being recruited as a son-in-law?
The existence of Lord Zhen Guo actually shows one point. On Dabei Island, there is only one way to get ahead: as long as you are strong enough and loyal to the royal family, you can fly on the branches and become a phoenix.

Yun Xie raised her eyebrows. The Zhen Guo Guild recognized her as a righteous daughter, so there must be some intention of pulling her away, right?

As for martial spirit power, everyone has ten spiritual roots in their bodies, it just depends on how you discover them, and then activate them one by one.

If all the ten spiritual roots are activated, then the strength is definitely the same as that of the Moon God.

On the Great Compassion Island, there is definitely a bullish existence.

Now, Yun Xie only has four spiritual roots, which are fire, water, thunder, and electricity.

(End of this chapter)

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