Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1650 Incident 2

Chapter 1650 Incident 2
After receiving the note, Lei Ming brought his children to the door without thinking about it.

Later, on the way, he met Yun Xie and Wan Qianfan. When Wan Qianfan spoke up, Lei Ming naturally would not refuse him, so he took the two of them directly to Beifu.

After arriving at Beifu, wait for the housekeeper to go in and report.

Then, someone actually took them into the estate.

When they arrived at the housing estate, they found that there was no master here in Beifu. This discovery made Yunxie sneer in his heart.

Which idiot came up with this?

Do you think it's over if you don't see them?

You know, the Lei family is not a small shrimp who can be dismissed casually.

Lei Lu died in Beifu, and Beifu just avoided seeing him like this, can everything be solved as if nothing happened?

She can only say that this person is too naive!

Sure enough, after hearing the news of Lei Lu's death, there was no owner in Beifu, and Lei Ming was very angry.

He roared directly in the room, "Bei Yuchen, come out!"

The butler of the Beifu was trembling with fright. Aunt Xu Yan's proposal earlier made him feel uncomfortable in his heart.An aunt is an aunt, and she will never be on stage.The people in Leifu are not easy to dismiss at all.

If Mrs. Ya was in the house, the matter would not have turned into this.

When Lei Ming was furious, the sound of the wind here would naturally reach Bei Yuchen's ears.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Bei Yuchen finally appeared in front of people.

This time, the place where they met was the council hall of Beifu.

In the conference hall, Lei Ming and his five sons and daughters, Yun Xie and Wan Qianfan were sitting as guests.

On the main seat, Bei Yuchen sat there, his expression not very good-looking.Beside her was Aunt Xu Yan who stood by and waited on her. Her face was also a little pale, as if she had never seen such a big battle.

"Bei Yuchen, why are you also the Patriarch of the Bei Mansion? Lei Lu died in your mansion, yet you can pretend that nothing happened, avoid me, and never give an explanation? If I don't get angry, will you Just be a turtle!"

Lei Ming was really angry.

He was disappointed with Lei Lu, and he also knew that Lei Lu had done something wrong to Zhen Guo Gongfu.

Therefore, Wan Qianfan brought his sister to Lei Mansion to seek justice, and he decided to turn a blind eye and leave Lei Lu to them to deal with.

However, Lei Lu hadn't resolved his grievances with the Duke of Zhen, but died in the housing estate of Beifu.

How is this possible?

Therefore, Lei Ming had to ask Bei Yuchen to give him an explanation.

Bei Yuchen gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and replied, "I don't know why Lei Lu died in my house. I only found out when the housekeeper notified me just now. Brother Lei Ming, no matter what happened, , can we talk slowly?"

"Heh! Only now do you want to talk to me slowly? What about before? What did you do before?"

Lei Ming retorted rudely, "The man died in your house, you told me that you didn't know the situation, do you think I believe it? Do people in the world believe it?"

Bei Yuchen's face froze, unable to answer.

Seeing this, Aunt Xu Yan wanted to rescue Bei Yuchen, and said, "Lei Ming, don't be aggressive. Lei Lu's death in Beifu is not what we expected."

"Hmph! What are you? I'm talking to Bei Yuchen. What right do you have to interrupt? Get out of here and stay!"

Lei Ming glanced at Xu Yan, and unceremoniously killed two mouthfuls of knives in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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