Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1692 Chapter Jingnan County 4

Chapter 1692 Returning to Jingnan County 4
"There are too many capable people on Dabei Island. I have to hold my breath. If I continue to be the only one who dominates me, I will definitely be attacked and wiped out. During this time, my grandfather will take care of you." Yunxie said gratefully.

Beiye waved his hand, "Have you forgotten, he is my grandfather. He considers me his righteous grandson, and Bai Xin is the great-grandson of Baifu."

Yun Xie patted his forehead, as if thinking of something, he asked directly: "By the way, I forgot, Ye Fu and Xiao Yan Chong's child was born, I only know it's a boy, but I don't know what it's called .”

"Night trick."

Beiye smiled knowingly and reported their child's name.

Yun Xie murmured and responded, "Ye Jue? That's a good name."

"By the way, didn't you say it would take a year to come back? It's only been seven months, and you're back, but what happened?"

Beiye looked at her worriedly, wondering if something happened to her on Dabei Island.

Yun Xie smiled knowingly, "It's nothing, I just got the king's order, so now I can enter and leave Dabei Island at any time. Because I miss you, I came back to see everyone."

Her explanation made Bei Ye heave a sigh of relief, "I thought you had encountered something difficult."

"Don't worry, I can settle all the troubles by myself. But Jingnan County, I'm afraid it's not peaceful. No matter what you say, I will find out the person who played the Gu, and tear him into pieces!"

Beiye saw Yunxie's dark tone, and couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, Zhao Yuan and Qianqin arrived together.

When Zhao Yuan saw Yun Xie, his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to salute, "This subordinate sees the prince."

Qianqin blessed her body, "The servant has seen the prince."

"Okay, it's all my own, so I'll avoid these false rituals. I believe that few people know about my grandfather's blood gu, but the person who made the gu must know. So, I want to set up a situation, and put the blood behind it. The person who played Gu was caught. Qianqin, do you still remember that woman?"

Yunxie's eyes fell on Qianqin.

Qianqin is now the housekeeper of Xingyao Mansion, if my grandfather entertained the widow that day, he must have met her.

Qianqin nodded, "Yes. But I'm not sure if the other party has a disguise."

"Whether there is or not, as long as she falls into this gu, she will never leave easily without hearing the news of her grandfather's death."

Yun Xie said with certainty.

It's not that she knows much about the person who cast the Gu, but she clearly knows that the person who cast the Gu will have an inexplicable pride and self-confidence. They will believe that the other party will not notice the Gu that they cast, and their death will be miserable.People often like to see the opponent appear in front of him dead and can't die again, and the mood is the happiest time.

Just imagine, if Mr. Bai is not dead, how could the voodoo escape the happiest moment?

After hearing Yun Xie's words, Qianqin nodded, "Okay, I'll make arrangements now. As long as he is still in Jingnan County, he will definitely be caught."

"Remember, this matter is only suitable for covert operations, not fanfare."

Yun Xie ordered.

"Yes, the servant understands."

Qianqin took the lead.

Zhao Yuan on the side looked at Yun Xie, "Then is there anything I can do to help?"

"Don't worry, you can help a lot. For example, find a quiet place where no one knows, so that my grandfather can rest in peace..."

(End of this chapter)

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