Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 1951 Chaos in the Ghost Realm 19

Chapter 1951 Chaos in the Ghost Realm 19
The next day.

Yi Fei made all preparations early in the morning, and entered Fengdu County alone.

He made himself completely black, and covered his head tightly, only showing a pair of eyes.

He didn't go looking for Li Xu immediately, but started to wander around in Fengdu County, wandering around the alleys and alleys of his escape route, just in case the alleys were suddenly piled up by old people If there is any goods, or repairs, then he will easily fall into a difficult and dangerous situation.

Yi Fei is so cautious, in fact, it is all because of Jia Ye's teaching.

Jia Ye asked him to confirm the surrounding environment before he acted, so that he could protect himself to the maximum extent possible, and Nightmare would also help him in secret.

Even if the mission fails, Yi Fei will not die.

However, it will expose the relationship between Yi Fei and Jia Ye.

Therefore, the expectation in Jia Ye is to hope that Yi Fei can succeed.

Although Yi Fei didn't hear Jia Ye's expectations of him, he could feel that he attached great importance to this matter.

Yi Fei inspected the surrounding environment, felt certain in his heart, and headed towards Li Xu's palace.

If he didn't go to Li Xu's five mansions, how would he lure the old ghost Li Xu out?
In fact, what Yi Fei has to do is to attract the snake, and Jia Ye is to the southeast of the sea of ​​darkness, waiting for the big snake to arrive.

With Yijiaye's strength, he could indeed go up to Li Xu directly and kill him.It's just that, it won't be able to stop everyone's mouth.It will only make those scattered ghost kings twist into one force, and that will never be the result that Jia Ye wants to see.

Yi Fei looked at the plaque on the door of Li Xu Wang's Mansion - Li Wang's Mansion.

It's not his first time here, so he has a general impression of the situation here.

With his strength, which has just been promoted to the realm of ghost king, it is still possible to sneak into Li Xu's house.

So, Yi Fei moved.

Nightmare, who was hidden in the dark, followed Yi Fei all the time, and he saw Yi Fei's actions.The more he feels, Yi Fei is a very good seedling, as long as he is given a heavy responsibility, he will definitely become a good assistant.With a decision in his heart, as long as this matter is successful, he will ask Kaye to let Yi Fei join the Kasyapa Army, and then let him experience the baptism of war, and he will definitely be able to assume the post of ghost general.

In the future, the guardianship of Kasyapa City can be handed over to Yi Fei.

Thinking of this, Nightmare followed Yi Fei with satisfaction, and then both sneaked into Prince Li's mansion.

Coincidentally, Li Xu promised those beaten ghost kings yesterday that he would take them to Jiaxie Palace today to seek justice from Jiaye.

As a result, he just got up to practice martial arts, but found a black shadow flashing not far away.

Li Xu immediately shouted, "Who?"

And Yi Fei pretended to be taken aback by him, and turned his head to look at Li Xu.

The wind blows.

The black gauze on Yi Fei's head was slightly blown away, revealing the childish and handsome young face under the gauze.

When Li Xu saw this face, he immediately became angry, and the fire in his heart was ignited directly.

Even if Yi Fei turned into ashes, he would never forget Yi Fei's face, it was this kid pretending to be harmless, he ruined the happiness of his lower body.

Even a man would not calmly face this murderer.

After Yi Fei saw Li Xu, he pretended to be submissive, "Ghost King Li Xu, don't be angry. I know I hurt you that day because I kicked too hard that day. I would like to apologize to you. You have a lot of adults. Withdraw the arrest warrant against me!"

(End of this chapter)

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