Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2035 Return 6

Chapter 2035 Return 6
"Humans can't enter the Dragon Clan. Once they enter the Dragon Clan, they are easy to be discovered, and then they will be chased and killed by the Dragon Clan. If you rashly enter the Dragon Clan, you will only get yourself into trouble. Have you ever thought about how to solve it?"

Wan Tianhua, Lord of the Town, was worried, and said this matter seriously.

After hearing his words, the room was silent.

Princess Percy swallowed nervously, "Brother Hua, don't scare me. Is it really that scary for Yue'er to go to the Dragon Clan?"

"In the land of the dragon clan, there are no human beings at all. In the eyes of the dragon clan, we humans are just lowly grassroots, because we are not as powerful as them. Dragons, powerful perverts, have much higher defense and attack than humans.

To use a metaphor, in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, we mortals are comparable to tofu, and no matter which young dragon is just born, the Dragon Clan can crush mortals.Therefore, the dragon clan has an extraordinary place in the mortal world, and even becomes the totem of a certain clan. "

Zhen Guogong Wan Tianhua continued to explain quietly that he knew about the Dragon Clan. In fact, it was his ancestor who told him to know about it, but the old ancestor was dead, and he had no chance to ask him about the Dragon Clan.

When the old ancestor told him these interesting stories about the Dragon Clan, he just listened to it as a legend, but never imagined that the Dragon Clan really existed.

After Ji Yaoyue heard what her adoptive father said, she didn't say a word.

Because, she didn't know that the dragon clan would hate mortals so much.

On the contrary, Jia Ye stood beside Ji Yaoyue, then put his hand on her shoulder, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I have everything. I will advance and retreat with Yue'er, and the Dragon Clan is not unable to enter. As long as the dragon clan recognizes mortals as masters, they can freely enter and exit the dragon clan."

His wife is safe, so leave it to him.

The Black Dragon King and Ah Nuan, they haven't returned to the Dragon Clan for a long time, so they should take advantage of this time to go back, and then give those Dragon Kings who expelled the Black Dragon King a little bit of trouble.

As soon as Jia Ye opened his mouth, Ji Feiyu and Zhen Guogong Wan Tianhua had no doubts about it.

After all, Jia Ye is the ghost emperor of Huangquan.

His strength is unfathomable, and with him accompanying Ji Yaoyue to the Dragon Clan, they really have nothing to worry about.

Instead, Ji Ye stood in the corner, very silent.

He knew that if his sister and brother-in-law went to the Dragon Clan, they would never take him with them.

Because, he can't enter the Dragon Clan.

However, he has been working hard to cultivate and strengthen his own strength, in order to become his sister's right-hand man.

So, Ji Ye couldn't listen to what my sister said next.

After everyone had finished their dinner, Ji Yaoyue handed the child over to his adoptive mother, Princess Percy, then walked up to Ji Ye and said softly, "Brother Ye, shall we talk?"

"it is good."

Ji Ye nodded, but did not refuse her proposal.

He happened to have something to tell his sister, and he wanted to help her.

So, the siblings went to the garden pavilion outside the hall one by one.

The perfume lily in the garden is blooming, and you can smell the fragrance of the lily when you walk on the gravel road at night.

Ji Ye walked to the entrance of the pavilion and stopped suddenly. He turned to look at her, "Sister, you are going to the Dragon Clan, you won't take me there, will you?"


"Why don't you need me to help you when you encounter things?"

Ji Ye bit his lower lip, his face was a little ugly, he was desperately holding back his temper, he was very angry at this moment, but he didn't want to lose control and accuse in front of his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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