Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2070

Chapter 2070
Wan Qianfan didn't look at Xingyao anymore. In his eyes, it's better to deal with the food first.

Everyone hasn't had breakfast yet, so if they eat it early, they can leave this place and rush to the next place.

After the problem of hunger was solved, Wan Qianfan asked Wei Fanyu, "Do you still want to stay in the Luna Forest to practice?"

"How long will it take for my hands to recover?"

"Three days."

"Then I will definitely stay in the Luna Forest."

Without even thinking about it, Wei Fanyu gave the answer directly.

It's not that she doesn't know how to cherish herself, but she is very clear about her purpose in coming to the Luna Forest.Did she leave in order to become stronger, but she retreated because of an injury?
That won't work, that's not what she wants.

Then, she seemed to think of something, her face was a little weird, she looked at Wan Qianfan, "Mr. Qianfan, do you dislike me for dragging you down?"

"No such thing, don't think about it."

Wan Qianfan shook his head, he was just worried about her injury.

The left hand was injured, it was just a fractured bone, the plaster had already been applied, and the fractured bone could be repaired in three days.

However, that blow to her back hurt her fundamentally.

What she needs to do is to take a good rest, instead of continuing to take risks in the Luna Forest like this.

An injured body needs to take a good rest.

However, what she did made Wan Qianfan swallow everything he wanted to say to her.

No one knew better than him how determined Wei Fanyu's attitude was at this time.

The look in her eyes can already explain everything.

So, everyone ate in silence, and Wan Qianfan led the way.

He looked at Xingyao, and felt that he needed to tell him in detail about the five beasts in the Moon God Forest. After all, Wan Qianfan himself had never encountered those five beasts.He just heard about their existence, and he didn't know their strength.

Now they are sweeping from the periphery of the Luna Forest to the middle.

It won't take long to enter the deep part.

The place in the deep part is the territory of the five fierce beasts, and it is heard that none of the people who entered it survived.

Although Xingyao's strength is unfathomable, but for Wan Qianfan, he needs to ensure Xingyao's comprehensiveness and prevent him from any crisis.

So he took the map, walked up to Xingyao, and said solemnly: "Xingyao, let's discuss things."

"Uncle Qianfan, what's the matter?"

Xingyao raised his head and looked directly at him with a cute face.

"We are now in the middle of the Luna Forest. After a while, we will enter the deep part of the Luna Forest. The interior of the Luna Forest is not that simple. There are five fierce beasts, and the weakest is the ape. But However, the legend about the Luna Forest has never stopped. Those who trespassed into the deep part of the Luna Forest are all survivors. So, I think, let's look for the inner alchemy of the fierce beast here in the middle, what do you think? ?”

When Wan Qianfan said these words, he used a discussing tone.

Wei Fanyu on the side looked at him in surprise, not knowing why he would use such a tone to discuss with a six-year-old child.

Xingyao looked at Long Xuan, pursed his lips, "Let's scan the middle first and then look at it."

The implication is that he will consider it, and he did not agree to Wan Qianfan's proposal.

Wan Qianfan knew what he meant by taking a look at Long Xuan just now, and it was nothing more than to see how Long Xuan's congenital deficiency recovered before making a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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