Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2079 1 Pot End 4

Chapter 2079 One Pot 4
Long Xuan said from the side, "Brother Xingyao, besides the green bamboo arrow, do we have anything else?"

"Of course, digging a hole is also a must."

Xingyao smiled slightly. Since he wanted to kill all the beasts in one go, of course it was not just a simple trick like green bamboo arrow.

Dig a hole and send them all to die.

It is necessary to choose the inner alchemy, but Long Xuan seldom speaks, she must have other ideas when she speaks at this time.

Therefore, Xingyao just glanced at her, "Long Xuan, do you have other ideas?"

"Brother Xingyao, can we attack with fire and ice?"

"Ice and fire double attack?"

Seeing that he was interested, Long Xuan stood up with a slight smile on her face, "Yes, Ice and fire double attack, first set up an ice magic circle, and set up a fire magic circle at the other end. Of course, the two magic circles It must be unanimous, and this can surprise the beasts."

"Surprise? Get scared!"

Xingyao looked at her amusedly, he understood her thoughts.

He would of course agree to her proposal.

Because she can come up with such an idea, it also means that her spiritual wisdom has also increased a lot, which is worthy of praise.

Regarding this, Xingyao stretched out his hand and scratched Long Xuan's nose, "Okay, you are good at ice and fire, then let you set up this magic circle."

"Okay, no problem, just leave it to me."

Long Xuan immediately patted her chest, expressing that she took this matter on her own shoulders.

Just like that, Long Xuan was busy with tasks, so she stopped pestering Xing Yao and went directly to set up traps, with a slight smile on her face.

Xingyao could see her elation.

In this way, everyone has their own tasks.

Wan Qianfan made green bamboo arrows, Wei Fanyu grinded herbal juice, and Long Xuan set ice and fire traps.

And Xingyao was not free either, he was holding a black stone in one hand. He was on a large flat area on this isolated island. After constructing a sketch in his mind, he laid out the layout according to the thunder and fire array on this large grass area.

Long Xuan considered that the Ice and Fire Formation was a separate ice and fire formation.

However, what Xingyao considered was the double-element array of thunder and fire.

This thunder and fire dual-element magic circle, he aimed at the four beast kings.In order to make the magic circle succeed, he also made Bing Xianhe invisible, and then asked her to guide him.

Tie Fengxi is good at wind, and Bingxianhe is good at ice, but she knows nothing more than the fusion of magic circles.

Otherwise, Yi Bingxianhe and Tie Fengxi have been in Soul Refining Valley for many years and are not allowed to go out to that world.It was Bing Xianhe who found an opportunity.

Using Xingyao as the host first, Bingxianhe and Tiefengxi were able to leave Soul Refining Valley smoothly.

Since leaving Soul Refining Valley, the two beasts, Bing Xian He and Tie Feng Rhino, have formed a beast couple, so Xingyao called Bing Xian He Aunt He.

In this regard, Xingyao as the host, when he needs help, Bingxianhe and Tiefengxi need to stand up and solve it for him.

Originally, if Xingyao had two big beasts by his side, he would easily become dependent.

However, after going out for so long, Xingyao has never troubled the two beasts, Bingxianhe and Iron Fengxi.

It was not until the appearance of the King of Apes that day that he called Tie Fengxi out to solve the trouble.

Now, Xingyao wants to wipe out all the other four beast kings in the Luna Forest. It cannot but be said that his idea is crazy.

Even Bing Xianhe felt that he was a little irrational, "Xingyao, did you think about the consequences when you did this?"

(End of this chapter)

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