Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2106

Chapter 2106
"Father, you are right. I was wrong about this matter."

Xingyao looked in Jiaye's direction, lowered his head, and admitted his mistake.

It was indeed his major mistake that he did not take care of Long Xuan's safety.

Jia Ye reached out and patted his shoulder, "Son, you shouldn't apologize to me. You should apologize to them, but to them."

He smacked his lips, signaling to the Black Dragon King and Ah Nuan who were guarding Long Xuan there.

The anxious expressions on their faces all showed their concern for their daughter.

Xingyao knew that his father was asking him to apologize to the Black Dragon King and Ah Nuan to admit his mistake, and immediately walked towards them.

"Uncle, aunt, I'm sorry. I put Long Xuan in danger just now, sorry! I made a mistake, please forgive me!"

Xingyao bravely admitted his mistake loudly, and even made a big bow, which made the Black Dragon King's expression a little weird.

In fact, his daughter was almost hurt just now, and he wished he could tear that violent wolf king into pieces.

But fortunately, King Jinpyg sacrificed his life to save his daughter, but the daughter was not harmed at all. It was just that there was no danger, and in the end, she was blessed.

The actions of the Golden Mang King offering inner alchemy and sacrificing his body made up for Long Xuan's congenital deficiencies.

All of this, if not for that one mistake, would not have happened.

Therefore, the Black Dragon King's strange expression was because he was not good at teaching Xingyao a lesson.

He didn't say a word, but it didn't mean that Ah Nuan didn't respond. She quickly helped him up, "Xingyao, how can you do such a big gift like this? It's not your fault. After all, you don't want such a thing to happen. Yes. This was just an accident, and Long Xuan was also at fault, she had no intention of guarding against it.

I am very clear about your state of mind at that time, if Long Xuan was hurt in any way, you would be sadder than anyone else.So don't blame yourself, you are still young and you can learn many things slowly.You and I, Uncle Heilong, were able to hand over Long Xuan to you, because we had 100% trust in you.We believe that Long Xuan by your side will be her best choice! "

Ah Nuan's words were spoken gently, comforting Xingyao like a loving mother, and of course he did not forget to encourage him.

The Black Dragon King glanced at Ah Nuan, a little disapproving of her making this matter into a small one, and making a trivial matter into nothing.

However, Ah Nuan glared at him fiercely: What?What else are you dissatisfied with?

The Black Dragon King immediately gave in, that's all, it's up to Madam's opinion on this matter.So he could only reach out and touch his nose, "Xingyao, although you are young, you still have to be prepared for some things, and you can't just ignore everything. I will entrust my daughter to you, please be sure to Treat her well, since she is your contracted beast, she is also the daughter of my Black Dragon King. If you dare to bully her, even if you are Jia Ye's own son, I will beat you right."

"Uncle Black Dragon, you can rest assured, I will never bully Long Xuan even if I bully anyone!"

Xingyao raised his head, his eyes were very firm and bright, and told the Black Dragon King his attitude.

Long Xuan is the woman he has been thinking about all the time. He knows that she is a dragon girl. If people and dragons are together, they will inevitably encounter opposition from all forces.

However, even so, for Long Xuan, he stood on the opposite side of those who opposed, and would never compromise!
He is young now, but he has always known what he wants!
(End of this chapter)

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