Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2138 Dragon Clan 4

Chapter 2138 Dragon Clan 4
Dragon Clan, Purple Dragon Palace.

Zilongshen was in the room, playing with the crystal ball in his hand.

He was wearing a blue brocade crane cloak, with a black geometric pattern ribbon tied around his waist. He had cloud-like hair on the temples, a pair of deep sharp eyes, and a tall and handsome body. He was really heroic and majestic.

Zilongshen sat there quietly, and then his eyes were a little confused. At this moment, Donglai, the guard beside him, came in, "Master Dragonshen, the second prince has returned after hearing the news."

"Come back? Then pass him over."


Dong Lai nodded and agreed.

Dong Lai took the order and left the Zilong Palace, but he saw the second prince from a distance. Hearing the wind, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, and went up to him, "Second prince, you came just in time. The Lord Dragon God is just about to summon you."

"I see, I will go to see Father God myself."

Wenfeng nodded, indicating that he would go to see Zilongshen.

When Donglai heard the words, he nodded, "Yes."

Wenfeng looked sullen and headed towards the Purple Dragon Palace.

Dong took a look at Wenfeng, he felt that the second prince looked too weird this year, he seemed a little unhappy?

However, the second prince has always been arrogant and happy in the Dragon Clan, how could he be unhappy?
He just came back, could it be that someone made him unhappy?

Thinking of this, Dong Lai frowned, turned and left.

In the Purple Dragon Hall, after Wenfeng entered, he saw the Purple Dragon God sitting on a dragon chair, and playing with a crystal ball in his hand.

Wen Feng bowed to the person in front of him, "My child hears the wind and sees God the Father!"

"You are back, the human world, is it fun?"

Zilong didn't raise his head, nor looked at him, but asked quietly.

"My child has been cultivating painstakingly, and doesn't pay much attention to whether the human world is fun."

Hearing the wind, he clasped his fists and replied.

Work hard?

Is this kid knocked on the head?

In this Dragon Clan, he is the one who dislikes cultivation the most.

In the end, he was thrown to the human world. This child has changed his nature, and he is cultivating desperately in the human world?
Is it going to rain red?
Zilongshen's eyes turned from the crystal ball in his hand to Wenfeng's body, and he just glanced at him with a little surprise in his eyes, "In such a short period of time, you actually broke through to the realm of the beast god?"

"Everything is helped by my benefactor, she is a pharmacist."

Wenfeng replied obediently, in fact, he has been by Yunxie (Ji Yaoyue)'s side, and Yunxie has never treated him badly, and even gave him some delicious food from time to time.

Of course, these things are all supplements that can enhance the power of his beast spirit.

"It's because the medicine is three-point poisonous, and it backfires, which is not good for your future."

Zilongshen frowned, and taught Wenfeng a lesson.

Wenfeng nodded, "Father God taught me the right thing. I also know that the drug is three-point poisonous, but she is not an ordinary pill god. She is a pill god level, and the forbidden medicine is in her hands. Here, it can be successfully refined at any time."

"A pill god who can refine forbidden medicine?"

Hearing this, Zilong God became a little interested.

Wenfeng replied seriously: "Father God, she has been approved by Shennong Ding."

When Zilong Shen heard the news, the crystal ball in his hand fell to the ground directly, with a look of horror on his face.

With a stride, he stood directly in front of Wenfeng, "What did you say? Shennongding?"

Wen Feng looked directly at him, "Father God, I know you have been looking for the whereabouts of the Shennong Ding. How could I lie to you with such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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