Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 2234 Qingxu 6

Chapter 2234 Qingxu 6
"A close friend by my side?"

Qing Xu raised his eyebrows, and finally nodded, "Okay, I know about this."

Zilongshen patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, this matter cannot be underestimated."


Qing Xu nodded, indicating that he would pay attention to this matter.

In this way, Qingxu and Zilongshen stayed in the White Dragon Clan, while they waited for the return of Ji Yaoyue and others, while the dragon doctors were also trying to control the poison on Qingxu.

Now Qingxu just wants to get sleepy, and there is no major problem with his body, so it seems relatively easy to treat.

Baili, on the other hand, yelled as soon as he entered the medicine barrel every day, and Qing Xu, who was sitting by the side, expressed that he felt hairy when he heard such painful howls.


Time flies, three days later in the evening.

The sun had just set, and Baili, Qingxu, and Zilongshen were all looking forward to it in the White Dragon Palace.

This waited until the middle of the night, but there was still no movement.

Baili began to feel uneasy, "It will be the fourth day soon, why haven't they come back yet?"

"Wait a minute."

Qing Xu sat on a chair with his legs crossed and gnawed a bunch of dried fruit in his hand.

Zilong God also comforted: "Baili, you tell me about the behavior style of those people, I don't think they will break their word. It's not the fourth day yet, just wait. Don't think about it!"

"But... I feel flustered."

Baili smiled bitterly, he really couldn't calm down right now.

After all, the place those people went to was the sea of ​​fog, not any other scenic spot.

In that place in Wuhai, where people can eat people without spitting out their bones, and even the bones can't be found, can he not feel flustered?

Thinking of this, Baili couldn't even sit still.

When it was the last half hour, Baili walked up and down in a hurry, looking outside the palace from time to time, hoping for some movement.

However, the greater the expectation in the heart, the greater the disappointment.

In another quarter of an hour, it will be time for them to open, and it will be a full three days.

The sky is already dawning.

Baili's heart was already cold, and he was in a state of confusion at this moment, not knowing how he would accept the fact that something had happened to them.

"Eh...why are you three here?"

A female voice came in.

The person who walked in was Ah Nuan.

The one following her was none other than the Black Dragon King Zhan Jue, who hugged the sleeping Long Xuan with both hands.

Behind them are Jia Ye and Ji Yaoyue.

Jia Ye also hugged his son Xingyao. When they came back, they were in good spirits, but their clothes seemed a little messy and torn.

Baili nervously greeted Ah Nuan, "You didn't suffer any harm, did you?"

"No, at most it's just a surprise."

"Are you in danger?"

Baili gasped, feeling a little puzzled.

Ah Nuan turned to the Black Dragon King Zhanjue and said, "Come on, give me Xuan'er, I'll take her back to the room to rest, you stay and explain to them."

Jia Ye and Ji Yaoyue looked at each other, and the two planned to go back to the house with their son to rest.

As a result, Zilong God called out at this time: "Miss Yaoyue, please stay."

"what's up?"

Ji Yaoyue stopped and looked back, glanced at him, and asked softly.

Zilong God pulled Qingxu, and then introduced to Ji Yaoyue: "This is Qingxu, the patriarch of the Qinglong clan. He was diagnosed by the dragon doctor. He was poisoned by the same poison as Baili. It's just that the poison is lighter. ,look……"

 Lou Ma: Chapter 8 is presented today, and it will continue tomorrow. I'm going to sleep, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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