Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 225 Royal Hunt 6

Chapter 225 Royal Hunt 6
Hejing County is close to the sea, but it also has its unique places.

For example, there is the largest isolated island in the country called Bay Island.

On the Bay Island, it is like a primeval forest, extremely dangerous, but it has become a hunting place for the royal family.

Today the big team came to the post house by the sea for a rest. Yun Xie was assigned to the same room as the third brother Yun Ye, and she had no objection to the arrangement above.

On the contrary, Jia Ye frowned, "Don't you have more rooms?"

"If there is, it's not my turn."

Yun Xie lazily leaned on the couch, so tired that she didn't even have the energy to open her eyes.

Sleeping in the open air for several days in a row is really unacceptable.

Jia Ye immediately objected, "That won't work, you are a woman, how can you live in the same room with a man?"


I am a "prince" right now, if I don't sleep with men, could it be possible to sleep with women?

Yun Xie didn't even bother to roll her eyes at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and fell into a sleep. She hadn't touched the bed for so many days, she was really tired.

Jia Ye saw that her face in sleep was tired, so she let her continue to sleep.

She just raised her hand, and the bed sheet covered Yun Xie's body.

Jia Ye then stood at the door, not allowing others to enter at all.

Fortunately, this room has an inner room and an outer room, and Jia Ye is standing in the door of the inner room.After Yun Ye entered the room, he immediately saw Yun Xie sleeping soundly in the inner room, so he quietly slept in the outer room.

Silent all night.

When Yunxie woke up, it was already the rising sun.

He got up and stretched his waist, twisted his neck, the door creaked open, and Yun Ye came in holding a big food plate, "Brother woke up, come and have some breakfast to fill your stomach, after half an hour , we are going to cross the sea and head to Bay Island."

"it is good."

Yun Xie nodded, "There are so many people, how are the ferry boats allocated?"

"We are with Duke Mei and Grand Master Zhang."

Yun Ye said bluntly, with worried eyes, "Brother, why don't you go with someone else, or..."

Yun Xie waved his hand, saying it doesn't matter, "It's okay, they don't dare to tamper with the boat, otherwise I don't mind following the female relatives to die together."


Yun Ye was dumbfounded, never expecting Yun Xie to say such domineering words.

For him, he felt gratified from the bottom of his heart for Yun Xie's change. As long as his eldest brother becomes stronger, then he and Aunt Mo will not have too much trouble living in Yunwang Mansion.

Although Concubine Mei has been abolished, she is still alive. As long as she is alive, Yun Shuo will still have a chance to seize the throne.But now there is also a good news, Yun Shuo can't use the power of Wuling, he has no chance of winning in the battle for the position of the son.

As long as the elder brother occupies the position of the son and refuses to give up, then no one can take away the position of the son of Prince Yun.

Yun Xie smiled slightly, and patted Yun Ye on the shoulder, "Brother Ye, let's have breakfast together. I'm afraid it will affect my appetite."

"Brother, eat more."

Yun Ye quickly persuaded.

The two brothers, having breakfast respectfully, talked and laughed, and after half an hour, they went out together to board the big boat and headed for Bay Island.

After boarding the ship, Yun Xie went straight to the deck at the bow, didn't bother to greet the people in the cabin, instead chatted with the sailors.

What Yunxie did, Yun Ye didn't want to say much, but just followed the big brother, and he did what the big brother said, anyway, there was no one to welcome him in the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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