Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 231: Bay Island Treasure 1

Chapter 231: Bay Island Treasure 1
After eating, Yunxie thought that he would not be able to fall asleep, but unexpectedly, as soon as he touched the stone bed, he immediately fell asleep and slept until dawn.

When I opened my eyes, what imprinted in my eyes was the blue sky and the sunshine that wasn't too glaring.

After waking up, she saw Haiying and Haiying who were taking turns keeping vigil.

As soon as the two of them saw her awake, they rushed up to meet her, and when they were about to speak, Yun Xie made a silent gesture, "Keep your voice down, let them sleep for a while."


Hai Long nodded and agreed.

Yun Xie said softly to Hai Ying: "Hai Ying, go and prepare food, we will have something to eat later, and we must climb over that mountain."

"Yes, I obey."

Hai Ying's eyes lit up, and she quickly followed suit.

The two started to move, while Yun Xie walked by the stream, washed his face, and felt refreshed.

Sitting on the big rock, I feel happy.

Unexpectedly, a plaintive voice came from behind, "Hey... Madame really sleeps well! Do you know that you have not slept all night because of your husband's exhaustion?"

Recently, there are always strange sounds. Yunxie's heart is already very strong, and he will not be intimidated by the sudden sound.

She didn't even look back, "Hey! The ghost king has appeared! If my ears didn't make a mistake yesterday, I clearly heard Jiuhu say that you went to find a place to sleep."


Jia Ye blinked those handsome eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then continued with a nonchalant face: "Let's not talk about sleeping or not, I'm here to see you for business, would you like to listen?"

"What's the matter?"

"About rare treasures."

Yun Xie was suspicious, "Didn't you bring Wenfeng and Jiuhu to talk nonsense about Zhenbao?"

With a cheeky face, Jia Ye shook her head and denied what she was doing, "Of course not. There are really rare treasures in this bay island. If I'm not mistaken, it's still something you dream of."

Yun Xie stared at him blankly, why did she always feel that this guy is not reliable at all!
Jia Ye felt her hesitation, "You don't believe me?"

"You said it was the treasure of my dreams, so do you know the direction of the treasure?"


Yunxie half-closed his eyes, and looked towards the west. The southwest is a depression. Standing in this place, you can have a panoramic view of the mountains and forests. Five peaks are connected. If you want to find that treasure, you will definitely suffer a lot. !
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth, "Do you know the exact location?"

"I don't know, I can only sense the approximate location of the treasure."

Jia Ye told the truth, if he hadn't been a ghost, he wouldn't be able to sense the location of the treasure.

In fact, he played tricks on the Mei family at sea yesterday, and when the nine foxes turned into a golden boy and appeared in front of everyone, he also used some of his strength.

Right after the golden boy disappeared, he clearly felt a frightening wave of spiritual power emanating from the island.

That's why he found an excuse and ran away directly, coming from Bay Island alone to look for that weird spiritual power fluctuation.

So, he used the lonely ghosts who died on this bay island to make them move to find for him. He didn't rest for several hours in a row, and he insisted on finding out where the thing was.

The place was found, but as a ghost, he couldn't enter the restriction and was blocked outside. That kind of aggrieved was like a peerless weapon, suddenly placed in front of a martial artist, but found that he could only look at it but not touch it. People are crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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