Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 241: Bay Island Treasure 11

Chapter 241: Bay Island Treasure 11
Wenfeng lived up to Yunxie's expectations, and finally found a cave, and walked towards the cave by cutting grass and brambles all the way.

When he came to the cave, Yun Xie's eyes widened. This... is this a cave?
It might as well be a dog hole!
Yunxie immediately picked up Wenfeng from the ground, "I said, I told you to find a cave where you can rest, what are you going to do with a dog cave for me?"

"Who said this is a dog cave? The hole inside is so big that it can completely shelter you from the wind and rain. If you are not satisfied, there are no caves around here."

Wenfeng's dragon tail was picked up by Yunxie.

To be precise, it was being carried upside down at this time.

It didn't mind Yunxie's actions at this time, on the contrary, it found it very amusing. Taking this opportunity, it was still swaying in the air, blinking its big dragon eyes with excitement in its eyes.

"You mean, the hole in it is big?"

Yun Xie grasped the point.


"Then is there anything else in this hole? Like wild animals or something."


Hearing the wind replied as a matter of course.

With its breath here, no matter what kind of beast it is, it is impossible to stay here.

Yun Xie looked at the dog hole that only reached the thigh, and was hesitating whether to climb in and have a look.

Haiying took a look at her expression, and hurried forward: "Master, let this slave go in to see if there is any danger."

"Okay, you go."

His proposal was exactly in line with Yunxie's wishes.

Haiying got into the cave, while the others waited outside the cave. After about a cup of tea, Haiying came out and told her that it was safe inside.

Yun Xie looked up at the sky, the sun was setting, and if he continued to search, he must be sleeping outside.At night, the cold air hits the body, and the morning dew is heavy. If one is not careful, it is easy for evil diseases to enter the body.For the sake of her own body, she no longer struggled, and ordered, "Take a rest in this cave tonight."


The four dead soldiers followed Yun Xie and climbed into the dog hole.

After entering the cave, Yunxie realized that eyes can be deceiving.

Such an inconspicuous dog hole has a huge space in this place.

The inside of the cave is shaped like a big Sydney. The cave they climbed in just now should be more like a window in a cave!
Yun Xie pointed to another passage in the cave, "Where does that place lead to?"

"Master, I have checked, and that road leads to another mountain. Because of the lack of light, I am not sure whether it leads to the mountain we are going to. I will check again at dawn."

Hai Ying hurriedly reported.

Yun Xie nodded, expressing her understanding, "Okay, let's get something to eat now, I'm so hungry."

A group of people got busy in the cave, looking for food, lighting a fire, and laying hay.

After filling his stomach, Yun Xie sat aside, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

For so many days, she has been on the road, in danger everywhere.

If she can't practice her inner strength and mind well, there is a cave where she can rest in peace. She has to hurry up and practice her inner strength and mind to improve her strength, so as not to hate herself for not working hard enough when dealing with the enemy.

Now she is in the Huangpin Ascendant Realm of the Soul Fighting Warrior, she closes her eyes, secretly runs her mind to walk through the muscles in her body, and has just finished a big cycle.

Jia Ye, who was in the finger of the jade plate, spoke, "Ma'am, this place is not for you to practice. If you continue to practice, if something big happens, don't blame me for not telling you earlier!"

(End of this chapter)

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