Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 33

Chapter 33
"I was injured in my chest, and my father clearly banned medicine and cut off medicine. My wound is still hurting."

Yun Xie pretended to have a chest pain, and caressed her chest deliberately, but looked at Yun Shuo with her eyes.

Yun Shuo felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that, "Brother, don't blame the father, the father was only angry for a while, and the troubles have been solved, I will go to the father in a while, and ask him to ask a doctor to take care of the elder brother. "

The weasel pays New Year greetings to the chicken!

Yun Xie responded with a half-smile, "Second brother has a heart. Concubine Mei invited me to come to Yilan Residence, what's the matter?"

Concubine Mei raised her head, originally she was a little annoyed that Yunxie entered the door and ignored her, and even turned a blind eye to her elder.

But she didn't like having a fit, so she could only sit there and sulk.

Seeing Yunxie asking herself at this time, Concubine Mei's face immediately became very ugly. Seeing her like this, Yun Shuo quickly winked, and Concubine Mei suppressed her annoyance, "Your Majesty, it's like this. The queen mother has returned to the palace from Foci Temple in two days, and she will definitely summon you. See if you can bring Shuoer into the palace, and let the queen mother meet your second brother, so that your second brother can show his face in front of the queen mother Chance, what do you say?"


She, Yunxie, is not dead yet, she just wants to replace him so desperately, and also wants to introduce Yun Shuo to the Queen Mother through her introduction!
Can't wait?
Yun Xie just stared straight at Concubine Mei, with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, with a half-smile, staring at Concubine Mei's heart trembling.

Seeing this, Yun Shuo quickly stood up, "Mother Concubine, what are you talking about? The Queen Mother summoned the elder brother, not me. How can you force the eldest brother? Eldest brother, what my concubine mother said, you can just ignore it , don't worry about it."

Yunxie raised her hand, and said solemnly: "No, Concubine Mei is right, I should introduce you in front of the queen mother. Otherwise, it would be difficult to give up the position of son of the world. When the Empress Dowager summons me, my second brother might as well enter the palace with me."

"Brother, are you serious?"

Yun Shuo frowned with joy, and asked with a little forgetfulness.

Although he is the second young master of Prince Yun's mansion, because he is a concubine, he is not qualified to enter the palace at all.In addition to the assessment of the children of the royal family, they can only enter the palace.He would not have a place in the usual palace banquets.

The son of the legitimate son can get the inheritance of the title, and everything in the palace is inherited by the direct son.

When the son of a concubine reaches a certain age, he can only pass through the government with a meager amount of silver.

There are only two ways for the son of a concubine to get ahead, one is to be the number one scholar, and the other is to join the army and make military exploits.

Concubine Mei had instilled in Yun Shuo when he was young that the position of son in Prince Yun's mansion was his, and what he had to do was to take back the position of son.So, how could he be willing to let his son join the army and suffer those hardships?
Seeing Yun Shuo's forgetful expression, Yun Xie took it all in his eyes, "Of course, I always do what I say. It's just that I'm a little weak now, and I don't know if I can enter the palace to visit the Empress Dowager that day..."

"Brother, don't worry, I'll send you some precious medicine to restore your body. Concubine Mu, don't you have a 200-year-old mountain ginseng? Take it out and give your brother a boost!"

Yun Shuo turned around and asked Concubine Mei to bleed.

Concubine Mei was very angry when her son gave away her treasure like this, but she couldn't touch her son's face in front of outsiders, so she could only bite her and tell the maid beside her, "Go, take my son away. Take the wild ginseng from me and give it to the son to nourish his body."

(End of this chapter)

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