Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 366 Apologizing With Death 5

Chapter 366 Apologizing With Death 5
Bai Nan lowered her head in shame when Yun Xie told him so bluntly about the big mistake he made.

Yun Xie didn't want to see such a man again, so she turned her back to him, "You said just now that you want to apologize with death. In my opinion, it's more like a joke. You don't have a long life, why did you die?" Apology? If you really have the heart to apologize with death, the first thing you should do after you escape from the capital is to kill her! Then look for an opportunity, and then kill all the people in Mei Guogong’s house, that is the most important thing. Your sincerity! Holding a newborn child, what can you say to me to apologize with death?"

These words of hers were very embarrassing.

However, Yun Xie is not a sentimental person in the first place. In her worldview, there has always been revenge for revenge and kindness for kindness.

The relationship between Bai Nan and Ye Shengge may really exist in love.

But this kind of love can only be obtained if hundreds of people are buried with their love. What kind of love is this?

Love has nothing to do with others, but it doesn't include hurting others to get it.

If you want to hurt others to get the love, then this is evil fate, not love!

It is undeniable that Ye Shengge was lonely since she was a child, and she was a chess piece trained by Duke Mei. She lost her heart and fell in love with Bai Nan. What she should do is to frame Bai Nan, the Prime Minister's Mansion and others, and then retire.However, an accident happened, and she was pregnant with Bai Nan's child. For the sake of the child and her love, she put away the documents of treason, took him away from the capital without telling Bai Nan, and fled for her life.

Her selfishness is just to save her lover's life, that's enough.

However, she underestimated Mei Guogong's cruelty, even if she escaped for a while, she couldn't escape forever.

That's why the two of them ended up where they are today. Even if they fled to Jingnan County, where the Three Kingdoms don't care, they still have only one dead end.

Bai Nan's face was pale, and she clenched her teeth, "Yes, everything is my fault. I am willing to bear the wrong things I have done!"

Yunxie nodded, and said indifferently: "Very good. From today onwards, you are no longer a member of my Bai family. You restore your original name, and Ye Nan is your real identity. This child is not worthy of my Bai family." His surname is still Ye Yiqi, so as not to tarnish the reputation of my Bai family. You go!"

Jin Yu had been sitting quietly beside her, and when she heard Yun Xie's words, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, this girl's heart is really cold and hard.

However, she acted vigorously and resolutely, and he praised her from the bottom of his heart.

Bai Nan raised his head in shock and looked at Yun Xie. He never imagined that he had just rescued their family of three from the dungeon of the Zhao Mansion. He thought that his son would be taken care of in the future, but he never expected that Yun Xie would drive him away!

He was startled, "Yunxie, Yunxie, you can't be so heartless, this kid is your cousin, how can you just watch him helpless?"

Yun Xie glanced at him lightly, and retorted: "Ye Nan, there must be evidence for what you say. In terms of surnames, he and your surname are Ye, and my surname is Yun. How come he is a cousin? In terms of blood, I belong to the Nanle royal family. Half of his blood, and half of his mother Bai Lan's blood. And his biological mother is Ye Shengge, and his father is you, Ye Nan, so what does it have to do with me?"

These words hit the nail on the head, and the piercing Bai Nan was speechless.

Yun Xie looked at Jin Yu, "If he won't leave, then let's go."


Jin Yu nodded, got up and walked to Yun Xie's side.

 Lou said: I'm going to have a meal, and I'll update after eating.

(End of this chapter)

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