Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 410 Chapter 4

Chapter 410 Returning to Beijing 4
That's a little white snake, and it's also poisonous!
But this little kid, who doesn't like those docile things, actually likes this poisonous white snake?
Yun Xie got serious, and quickly brainwashed his son, "Son, do you know that if the little white snake bites someone, that person will be poisoned, and if the little white snake's venom is strong, it will kill people on the spot."

"With me around, it doesn't dare to bite people randomly. If it dares to bite people randomly, I will pull out its fangs! Besides, Xiexie, aren't you an alchemist? Send it, and it can also be detoxified and revived."

Xingyao raised his head and answered solemnly!

Jia Ye, you dead ghost, what the hell did you pass on to your son?

How did she give birth to such a little freak?

This example refuted her, and it was well-founded, which made her speechless at all.

Yun Xie still wanted to make the last resistance, "If you want to raise it, it depends on whether it agrees, doesn't it?"

Xingyao nodded, and stretched out his tender little hand towards the little white snake, "Xiaobai, are you willing to come with me? I will support you! You will eat whatever I eat in the future. I will never starve you !"

Yun Xie: "..."

Son, are you sure you're asking for its permission?
You are tempting a little white snake to follow you!

The little white snake had just crawled out to pay its respects intimidated by the Yazi dragon, but unexpectedly, a child wanted to raise it.

Although it can't speak yet, because it is in a place full of aura in Jingnan County, it naturally opened up its spiritual wisdom, nodded obediently, and then crawled into Xingyao's palm, coiled it on the palm of his hand, and remained motionless. .

Yun Xie saw that the little white snake seemed to be enlightened, so he stepped forward and said coldly, "Little white snake, I don't care what you think, since you have chosen my son as your master, you have to listen to him. If you dare to bite people or hurt others, it will not be the end of pulling your teeth, I will take your snake gall and drink you with wine!"

This word reached the ears of the little white snake, and its body couldn't help but shudder!

Xingyao only felt that his hands were cold, and it was very cold in early summer.He said happily, "Xiexie, don't scare Xiaobai. Xiaobai is very obedient! Xiaobai, wrap it around my right wrist, and I will take you home."

Because his left wrist is tied with a Buddhist treasure of twin fish playing beads with a red string, naturally he can't let Xiaobai wrap his left wrist.

Yun Xie shook her head helplessly, that's all, who told this to be her son?
Leading him back to the mansion, he told him the news that he was going back to the capital in two months.

When Xingyao heard the news, he only made two requests: one is to eat peach blossoms, and the other is to bring Xiaobai.

Yun Xie could only bite the bullet and let him pick his own peach blossoms.As for the rest, she will take care of the arrangements.


A month later, people really came from the capital, and they came to preach the decree, asking Yunxie to return to Beijing to report on his work and receive the reward.

Although Yun Xie said that she had prepared for a long time, she delayed her return to Beijing for a full month. By the time she returned to Beijing with her son Xingyao, it was already early autumn.

The maple leaves in the capital are red and the scenery is picturesque.

But she never expected that just ten days after she left Jingnan County, a silver-haired man appeared in Jingnan County, looking for her whereabouts.

This man is none other than Kaya, who is thinking about her.

Poor Jia Ye went straight to Jingnan County as soon as she left the closed door after retreating in Huangquan. She wanted to surprise Yun Xie, but she didn't expect it to be in vain!

Everything is time and fate!

La la la ¬¬ is not responsible for the small theater 7 debut
【stepmother?Mother! 】——

Holding a long sword, Jia Ye rushed into Lou Ma's room and shouted: When will you let me see my wife and children?

Lou's mother didn't even look back, but gave him the back of his head: in a few days.

Jia Ye was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable: Really?
Lou's mother smiled lightly: Of course.

Jia Ye still had a cold face: The reader said you are my stepmother?
The corner of Lou's mother's mouth twitched slightly: Nonsense, I am your real mother!
Jia Ye blinked: Then why let Xie'er and I get together less and leave more!

Lou Mom: Bah!You only separated once, where did you gather less and leave more?
Jia Ye: It takes three years to separate each other!

Lou's mother: This... the plot needs it, a man must be able to bear it!

Ka Ye: ...

(End of this chapter)

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