Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 493 The Grandparents Meet 2

Chapter 493 The Grandparents Meet 2
Pan Gu Hou Ji Feiyu wanted to defend himself, but he didn't expect Prime Minister Bai to burst out laughing and applaud at this moment!

"As long as the old man thinks that King Yun has raised his son for others for so many years, the old man will feel relieved! It's just——he died too soon, it's a pity that he didn't know about it!"

Pan Gu Hou Ji Feiyu, Yun Xie, and Yun Ye were all dumbfounded, and said in surprise in unison: "What? King Yun is dead?!"

This news is definitely explosive news for them.

Prime Minister Bai's smiling face bloomed with joy, and he clasped his fists at Jia Ye to thank him: "Thank you, my lord, for saving my life!"

Yun Xie looked astonished, and stared directly at Jia Ye beside him, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe the facts just heard.

Yun Ye, who was kneeling on the ground beside him, raised his eyes to look at Jia Ye, and asked suspiciously: "There are cloud cavalry guards beside King Yun, and they are a total of twenty black-grade extreme star martial spirits (with a force value between 196-199) composition. How did you kill him?"

Faced with Yun Ye's inquiry, Jia Ye was not annoyed, but Xingyao baba yelled: "My father did not lie! King Yun's mansion has been completely razed to the ground, and King Yun is so dead that he can't die anymore. In the golden-orange flame, you can't even find a hair in it!"

Razed to the ground?

Yun Xie swallowed, thinking of the earth-shattering sound that he heard suddenly in the back mountain before, he wondered, "You couldn't have made the ear-shattering sound just now, could it?"

Jia Ye smiled knowingly, and that smile was full of jokes, "What do you think, madam? My husband will help you kill all the people in the entire Yunwang Mansion."

Yun Xie staggered, almost lost his footing, his face changed slightly, "Cui Steward will not be killed by you too, will he?"

If he is dead, then will Cook Li and his daughter Cui Wan still fight for their lives?
Jia Ye was stunned for a moment, and spread his hands, "This... I don't know."

Indeed, how could he have the time to think about it at that time, is there anyone in Prince Yun's mansion who cannot be killed?

Yun Xie was speechless.

In the room, apart from Pangu Hou Ji Feiyu who was able to respond normally, Prime Minister Bai and Yun Ye's faces almost turned green.

Yun Ye thinks that Jia Ye is really, really, really hateful. He has a good relationship with his eldest brother, so why does he still call his eldest brother his wife?


The eldest brother is a man, how can he use the word "madame"?
Prime Minister Bai originally thanked Jia Ye with a smile on his face, but when he found out that Jia Ye called Yun Xie "Madam", he suddenly felt a burning anger in his heart, and said two words in a dark tone, "Madam?"

When Yun Xie heard this, his face changed slightly, and he quickly turned to look at Prime Minister Bai and Yun Ye behind him.

The looks of their grandparents and grandchildren are indeed not good-looking, but who made Jia Ye's mouth flutter for a while, and called her his wife!

Yun Xie twitched the corner of her mouth. It seems that there are many things that need to be stated clearly today.

That's it!

This matter has to be said sooner or later, not to mention that Prime Minister Bai and the third brother are his relatives, so there is nothing that cannot be said about this secret.

Yun Xie just thought about it for a while, and soon made a decision, and said frankly to the two of them: "Grandfather, Brother Ye, I am not a man. I only wore this piece of jade from my childhood to transform me. My gender, I am actually a woman. Why did my mother change my gender at the beginning? This reason is probably because she wanted to use my "male body" appearance to allow me to successfully obtain the position of "Elder Son" and take this opportunity to make the Queen Mother have to save my life. .”

(End of this chapter)

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