Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 532

Chapter 532
"Cang Hai, is there any embroiderer in Jingnan County who is good at embroidery?"

Cang Hai was stunned for a moment, "Xiu Niang? There should be. What does Master Bai want to do with Xiu Niang?"

Bai Chuxiu directly rolled his eyes at the rough old man, "Find nine for this old man."

"Okay, tomorrow I will go to Zhang Luo."

Canghai Moming took a hygienic eye, not daring to have any objection, nodded in agreement repeatedly.

Bai Chuxiu nodded in satisfaction. Yun Xie was regarded as a "male body" by the world since she was a child. She must not know how to sew a wedding dress. Others would not have thought of this. As Yun Xie's grandfather, It must be more thoughtful for this child.

It's just that the style of the wedding dress really stumped his old man.

Imprisoned in the secret room of Prince Yun's study, he doesn't know what styles are popular in the capital now, so it seems that he should find someone to find out.

His eyes flicked here and there, and they fell on Ji Zhengcheng.

Bai Chuxiu blinked, "Zhengcheng, come here."

"Master Bai, what are your orders?"

Ji Zhengcheng stepped forward and asked respectfully.

Bai Chuxiu waved at him, motioning him to come closer and talk.

Ji Zhengcheng was slightly surprised at first, and then leaned over to listen. Bai Chuxiu whispered a few words in his ear, and his eyes lit up, "Okay, this matter is up to Zhengcheng. Don't worry!"

"Good! Good!"

Bai Chuxiu nodded in satisfaction, very happy.

What the two of them discussed, made Cang Hai feel puzzled and smiled wryly while watching.


Only three days after returning to Jingnan County, Yunxie received a letter from Changwu Kingdom.

The letter was still sent by Jin Yu. When he opened the envelope, Yun Xie looked at the content written on it, and his face suddenly sank.

Because Jin Yu wrote her a letter, and what he said was only two things, but no matter which one was, it would definitely cause her trouble.

The first thing is that Zhao Xuan, the prince of Yitian, was seriously injured and was bedridden, with his dantian damaged.If there is no Tianpin first-level spiritual cultivation pill, from now on, Zhao Xuan will be a useless person.

The second one is Luobei of the Alchemy Palace, who has broken through to the Tianpin Pill Pharmacist, and the king of Changwu Kingdom directly bestowed on Luo Bei the new master of the Alchemy Palace, and the number one Alchemy God of the Changwu Kingdom.

Regarding the title of the first alchemy god, it was Jin Yu who later stood up and asked the king to hold the alchemy contest, and those who are capable will be qualified.

This letter from Jin Yu, and a jade medal of the contestant, the Alchemy Contest will be held in half a month.

Yun Xie held the letter paper in one hand and the jade tablet in the other, her eyes became cold and silent.

She is struggling, should she go or not?
In seven days, she will marry Jia Ye.

If you go to Changwu Kingdom after getting married, even if you travel day and night, you will not be able to keep up with the Alchemy Competition.

If you don't get married, if you start now, you can barely catch up with the primary selection of the Alchemy Contest.

Zhao Xuan once helped her with money when she was at her worst, but now that he is in such a state, Yunxie has the ability to help him restore his dantian, and this kindness will naturally be reciprocated.

The second is that bastard in Luobei, who put a poisonous hand on her back then, and with a cup of the Heavenly Turning Golden Phoenix Resurrection Talisman water, she directly let her soul return to another place to be born, and forcibly separated her soul from her body!

As long as she dies, Luobei can get the Alchemy Mansion and all the power of the Danyao Hall from her hands!
In three years, Yunxie didn't just rectify Jingnan County in Jingnan County, she also sent people to investigate if there was anyone around Luobei who could help him!
(End of this chapter)

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