Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
When Yunxie came back to the house, he saw a grand sight in front of him as soon as he entered the door.

The four dead men, Ye Shang, Ye Sha, Bei Ye and others surrounded Bei Junjue and Qiao Ji in front of them.

As soon as Jia Ye came back, Ye Shang immediately stepped forward and reported to Jia Ye, "My lord, Bei Junjue has been quietly tied to the tree stump, and Qiao Ji was in so much pain because of drinking the Nine Sun Immortal Liquid. "

Nine Sun Immortal Liquid?

Yunxie was slightly stunned, and looked at Bei Ye who was sitting and resting because of the whip wound, with surprise and joy, "Bei Ye, have you been promoted to the realm of alchemy?"


Beiye nodded, admitting that his current strength in alchemy had indeed broken through the realm of alchemy.

Yunxie smiled happily, "That's great. With your current strength, even if you return to Pingyun Kingdom, you won't have any problems. The royal family of Pingyun Kingdom will not make things difficult for you anymore. "

Alchemists in the alchemy realm have always been hard to come by.

Beiye smiled faintly, "I am no longer a native of Pingyun Country. What I want to do is to kill these two people in front of me. Watching them fly away is my only wish."

Yunxie was slightly surprised, what she meant...why does it sound like she doesn't want to go back to Pingyun Kingdom?

Seeing Yunxie's expression, Beiye said, "Master Yaoyue, to tell you the truth, for the rest of my life, I will only continue to serve the King of Jingnan in Nanle Kingdom. If it wasn't for his great help, he would have taken me in." , I also sent some alchemy skills and experience from time to time, and I have no way to improve to the current strength. Although you are also in Qing'an City, I have been kind to me, but I can only do my best to repay you, but I will not Therefore betray King Jingnan."

When Yunxie heard this, his face was a little weird, and he smiled unnaturally, "Yeah."

Jia Ye on the side gently pinched Yun Xie's waist.

Yun Xie glanced at him: What are you doing?

Jia Ye looked back at her affectionately: Ma'am, don't you have too many peach blossoms?

Yun Xie was startled for a moment, and obediently avoided his gaze, because she felt guilty.

These peach blossoms were not deliberately provoked by her...

The conversation between the two girls was overheard by Nightmare on the side.Hearing Bei Ye mention King Jingnan suddenly, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, this King Jingnan was actually kind to this beauty.

Qiao Ji on the ground had lost her mind in pain, but when she raised her eyes, she saw Jia Ye, and rolled to the feet of Jia Ye, "Jia Ye! You kill me, kill me!"

Jia Ye glanced at Qiao Ji, without the slightest pity, kicked Qiao Ji away with a long foot, and shouted sharply: "Go away! Back then, you dared to think about my son's idea, you should have thought that there would be today fate!"

When Qiao Ji heard this, her heart felt cold. How could Jia Ye know about this?

And the ghost king's son hadn't been born at that time, so how did he know that she had planned on him?
Qiao Ji quickly shook her head in denial, not daring to admit the crime, "No! I didn't, I didn't!"

Xingyao stared at the duplicity Guiji in front of him, got angry, and jumped forward, "You're lying! You came after me back then, don't think I don't know!"

Qiao Ji looked at the little boy in front of her, especially the other's eyes turned from ink to red. How could she not know what was going on with those red blood eyes?
So, she was frightened and her teeth chattered directly, "You—"

The son of the ghost king, how did he become the ghost king?


Is she dreaming?
(End of this chapter)

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