Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 600 Chasing Star Mountain 2 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 600 Chasing Star Mountain 2 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Sister Yanchong, is what you just said true?"

Bei Ye looked surprised, got up and walked in front of Xiao Yanchong.

Xiao Yanchong nodded seriously, "There is a way, but it's a bit difficult to get that thing. However, there are several of us here, so it's really not a problem."


Nightmare asked suspiciously.

"This is a kind of fruit that can't be met. I believe sister Beiye must have heard of it. It is the Yinxie fruit."

"Yin evil fruit?"

When Beiye heard these three words, his expression changed immediately.

Yinxie fruit, of course she has heard of it.

This is a kind of tree that absorbs evil energy, and the fruit he can condense is only three, and there are no more.

However, almost all those who lean into this evil fruit are absorbed by their souls and become fools or madmen.

When Beiye heard Xiao Yanchong mentioning this Yinxie fruit, he immediately shook his head and refused, "No, the danger of taking this Yinxie fruit is too great. If one messes up, our entire army will be wiped out. , you must not act recklessly."

Yun Xie was taken aback, "Yin Xie Fruit? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Xiao Yanchong spread her hands, "Yinxie fruit can only be found in Donghuang, and I also read its origin from the book. This book was found in the slips collected by my Xiao family. At that time , Sister Beiye and I happened to be tidying up in the study, so we discovered it together.

However, this thing is not something we can have if we want it. It also depends on luck. Only when we encounter it will we have a chance to get this evil fruit. "

Jia Ye was listening to the conversation of the few of them, his sword eyebrows were always furrowed, and his outstanding facial features were like carvings from the sky, with deep and beautiful lines.

Red eyes narrowed slightly, "Yinxie fruit, I've heard of it too. It is indeed a great tonic for us people in Huangquan, and it can also provide the purest ghost power."

Xiao Yanchong nodded, and said anxiously: "Yes, yes. So this Yinxie fruit is definitely a treasure for you. We came all the way to Donghuang, although we are rushing for the treasure. It’s here, but it doesn’t prevent us from scraping this thing together. What do you think?”

Jia Ye took a deep look at Xiao Yanchong, and replied in a lukewarm tone, "Once the evil fruit appears, we people in Huangquan can't get close to it, and we can't protect you."

Facing what Jia Ye proposed, Xiao Yanchong had a stern expression on his face, and took out three orange pills from his arms, "This is the pure yang pill, you just need to hold it in your mouth to make the yin and evil fruit come out." Yin and evil qi cannot penetrate our body."

Got it!
This little girl who dares to love has already made preparations, does she want to take this evil fruit into her pocket?

Yun Xie twitched the corners of her mouth, she really didn't know when this Xiao Yan Chong came up with this idea.

It seems that she has to find a time to find Xiaoyan to spoil this ghostly girl, and ask her carefully.

Seeing that Jia Ye was silent, Xiao Yanchong hurriedly looked for Yunxie, "Sister Yaoyue, what do you think? This Yinxie fruit is also a great tonic for little Xingyao."

"Didn't you say that the evil fruit is something that you can't meet?"

Yun Xie laughed lightly.

"What if it appears?"

"Then take it."


Xiao Yanchong was jumping up and down excitedly. When she landed, she didn't stand firm and almost fell. Ye Sha, who was beside her, stretched out her hand to stabilize Xiaoyanchong.


Lou Ma: Ask for a monthly ticket!
Well, I love you all, I will continue to write.There will be four chapters updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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