Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 643 Rising Dragon Hall 11

Chapter 643 Rising Dragon Hall 11
"Don't you have a storage bracelet for these things?"

Huo Zhu actually showed a look of contempt, and then went to one of the brass boxes by himself, rummaged through it, and finally found it.

Throwing an ancient and beautiful bracelet to Bei Ye directly, "Take it away, thank you!"

The tone of her speech was very foul-mouthed.

Beiye's face froze, she had to reach out to catch the thing thrown by the bamboo spirit, and looked down at the bracelet... Her expression immediately became very excited!
This is the family treasure of the Li nationality - fish and water lily bracelet!

Bei Ye held the bracelet in his hand, his hands trembling a little.

Xingyao noticed that Bei Ye's breathing accelerated, so he asked, "Aunt Bei, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

Beiye hid the shock on his face and smiled back at Xingyao.

Xingyao didn't doubt her, so he pulled Huozhu and asked, "Huozhu, do you have a beautiful big knife here?"

"It's true. I really like that big knife for a while! Wait, I'll find it for you."

Huozhu said to Xingyao with a smile, then buried himself in looking for those big brass boxes.

Xingyao was not idle either, looking around for things that people around him could use.Then pack it up and plan to give it to the big guys later.

Xingyao is pure-hearted, and feels that he has good things and is suitable for the people around him, so he generously chooses them and gives them away.

Fire Bamboo is originally a bamboo essence, so it doesn't feel bad for these things at all, anyway, Xiaobai said: Xingyao is very good, keep it fat and fat.

After hearing this, Fire Bamboo became jealous, and it also wanted someone to support itself.

The most important thing is that I want to find someone who is really good to it, really willing to raise it, and will not kill it to raise itself.

The most important thing is that this person has to be innocent and kind, and he can't follow someone who has murder in his hands.

Xingyao met Huozhu's requirements in every aspect, so he was naturally recognized.

Soon, when the knife appeared in front of Beiye and Xingyao, Beiye's legs went limp right now, and he sat down on the ground, muttering, "Why is it Yelou Knife?"

Huozhu blinked its big eyes, "Ah! You recognize this knife! So it's called Yelou Knife? The name isn't too bad! Xingyao, come, I'll give you this Yelou Knife You can't give it to someone else!"

When Xingyao saw the big knife in front of him, he jumped up excitedly, "Wow! This knife is really cool!"

Yelou Knife, the whole body is incomparably pitch black, with a black light, and it still has a strong resentment for killing living beings.

The mirror-like blade is air-conditioned.

On the edge of the blade, a little cold light condensed, as if it was flowing non-stop, adding to the sharp coolness.

The knife is about three feet two long, with two blood grooves on both sides of the back of the knife, the blade is extremely sharp, and the handle is ten inches long.

The material of the knife handle looks like it is made of some kind of animal bone.

When Xingyao was about to go forward to hold the Yelou Knife, a cold voice came from behind, "Xingyao! Don't touch it!"

This voice caused Xingyao, Beiye, and Huozhu to look over in search of prestige.

When he saw Jia Ye, Xing Yao ran to his side with a smile on his face, "Father! Are you awake?"

Jia Ye picked up his son without a trace of a smile on his face, and said indifferently, "Dark Yuhuozhu, you have worked so hard to give the Yelou Knife to the son of the deity, because you want the son of the deity to become the son of the deity." Is it the sword spirit of the sword?"

After finishing speaking, a trace of killing and sternness flashed across the blood-red eyes, and the powerful momentum rushed past, and the murderous intent directly locked on Huozhu!

(End of this chapter)

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