Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 736 Winning the Championship 2

Chapter 736 Winning the Championship 2

King Dingbin's sincere congratulations made Yunxie raise his eyebrows, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised when he noticed the darkness under his eyes.

King Dingbin's appearance clearly shows that he hasn't had a good rest. Could it be that something disturbing happened when she was refining alchemy?
Yun Xie took the initiative to ask: "King Dingbin, your eyes are bloodshot, and you haven't had a good rest recently. Is there any trouble?"

"It's a troublesome thing."

King Dingbin glanced at her, and finally said: "Actually, this is also a scandal in our country. On the third day of your refining the elixir, a strange thing happened. Someone kidnapped me and asked me to go to the Zijin Palace. After entering, they knocked me unconscious, and when I woke up, the bodies of Yaoye and Yaoyue's father and daughter were gone."


Xiao Yanchong was horrified, "My lord, didn't you send someone to find their whereabouts?"

"Why didn't people look for it? Sword God Jin Yu has been investigating this matter for more than two months, and there is no clue."

King Dingbin smiled wryly. He knew very well how much Yao Ye in the Alchemy Mansion held a high status for the alchemists.

However, there is no sign of him now.

In any case, it is really difficult for him to explain to the people.

Bei Ye remained silent and stood aside.

When Yunxie heard this, he turned around and left.

"County Lord Yueyue!"

King Dingbin stared at her blankly, not knowing why she would leave at this time.

Seeing her leave, Bei Ye followed Yun Xie away without saying a word.

Xiao Yanchong looked bewildered, "King Dingbin, does my great-grandmother know about this?"

"This matter has not been mentioned to others, for fear of causing turmoil."

King Dingbin smiled wryly, it's not good to go all out to find it, you can only search it secretly.

Xiao Yanchong immediately put forward her own suggestion, "King Dingbin, in my opinion, I still need to let my great-grandmother know about this matter, she may have a way."

"Okay, you go back to Xiao Mansion and talk about this matter with Xiao Han Danjun."

King Dingbin had no choice but to nod his head, expressing that he agreed with the other party's proposal.


Yunxie and Beiye hurried back to the Jin family's ancient house, and as soon as they entered, they saw people in the courtyard, all waiting for her return.

When Yunxie saw Jia Ye's expression, his heart skipped a beat, "Did you not find it?"

No one else knew that she was Yaoyue.

But Jia Ye is very aware of her situation, she doesn't care about Yaoyue's body.But what she cares about is Yaoye!
The secret elixir of yin and yang that she worked so hard to refine was for Yao Ye, and she wanted to revive him!
But now God made a big joke on her!

The elixir was refined, but Yao Ye's body was stolen!

Jia Ye looked at Yun Xie's anxious face and nodded slowly, "No news yet."

"Damn! How could this be?"

Yun Xie is angry!

If you can't find Yaoye's body, then the pill she refined will be for nothing!
Who the hell, how did he know about the Zijin Palace?

She was so angry that she clenched her fists and let her nails sink into her palms, without knowing the pain.

Jia Ye saw her hands clenched into fists, stepped forward to lightly shake her hands, and comforted her in a deep voice: "In my opinion, the other party has done enough homework. Since he stole the bodies of the two, there must be a next step." Move. They are in the dark, we are in the light, it is indeed difficult to find their whereabouts. I promise you, as long as they move, I will not let them slip away under our noses!"

(End of this chapter)

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