Scrap Tanshin

Chapter 779 Yang Qiu Missing 3

Chapter 779 Yang Qiu Missing 3
Yang Qiu will disappear!

This news made Haiying somewhat suspicious.

He had seen her at noon, she was fishing for small yellow croakers in the mountain stream and river, so they even bumped into each other.

Although the time of meeting was short, he could be sure that she was safe and sound at that time.

But it's late at night, why hasn't she returned home yet?

Haiying rushed all the way to the mountains, streams and rivers. The dark night did not affect his actions.

He walked briskly, and his eyes could see clearly in the darkness.

Yun Xie doesn't even know the biggest secret of the Haicha people.

That is, in a dark place, it is like daytime to them, and there is no night in their eyes.

Haicha people are good at water.

What they live on is the sea, and the bottom of the sea is dark, and they can't see their fingers.

Haiying anxiously came to the Shanxi River, and found that there were still bamboo poles planted by the river, and even water fish betels were placed on the shallow water beach.

It can be seen that Yang Qiu never left Shanxihe.

Hai Ying looked around, but there was no sign of Yang Qiu here.

As a last resort, he could only shout: "Miss Yang Qiu! Miss Yang Qiu!"

In the silent woods, there was no response.

Hai Ying could only expand the range, looking around step by step.

After searching for a quarter of an hour, it can be regarded as seeing the existence of Miss Yangqiu.

At this moment, she fainted and fell to the ground. Someone took off her obscene pants, and her lower body was bleeding...

Haiying was quite frightened, and hurried to her, "Miss Yangqiu!"

Yang Qiu is not awake!
damn it!
Which bastard did such a foolish thing!

Hai Ying took a bite, put on the obscene pants for her with her own hands, then hugged her sideways, and flew all the way back to Xingyao Mansion.

On the way back, Yang Qiu opened the double curtains in confusion, and vaguely saw Hai Ying's appearance.Close your eyes again...

It was about Miss Yangqiu's innocence, Haiying avoided the crowd and went directly to Yunxie's courtyard.

Yun Xie was not asleep, she was waiting for the news from everyone.

It turned out that within an hour, Hai Ying came back with Yang Qiu in her arms.

As soon as Yunxie went out, she saw that Yang Qiu's lips were bruised and there were some bite marks, and she was startled, "What's going on?"

Haiying replied in a deep voice: "Master, I found her on the mountain stream. Her obscene pants were taken off at that time, and the blood from her lower body has dried up..."

"You mean, Yang Qiu was raped by someone?"

When Yunxie heard the words, he became angry!

In her territory, there are still people who dare to pull out their teeth under the tiger's nose!
court death!

Haiying was silent.

Yun Xie took a few deep breaths, then looked at Hai Ying at the side, then at Yang Qiu in his arms, and then walked to the side, "Come on, carry Yang Qiu to the guest room, and then you can go to play again." Bring some hot water."


Haiying has no objection to this.

On the bed in the guest room, Yang Qiu lay quietly on the bed, Yun Xie reached out and unbuttoned her obscene pants, originally thinking of giving her lower body some medicine powder to relieve the pain.As for the bastard who raped her, Yun Xie certainly wouldn't let it go easily, and he would find it by digging three feet.

Seeing this, Yunxie couldn't laugh or cry, Haiying lied about the military situation!

What kind of strong-girl is this?

This girl Yang Qiu was bitten by a snake, and there are two small holes for snake teeth on the side of her thigh.

Because the two small holes in the snake's teeth were cut with a dagger, and the snake's venom was squeezed out.But the people who squeezed the poison didn't squeeze it completely, and that's why Yang Qiu was poisoned and passed out!

(End of this chapter)

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