Chapter 162 Suicide!
Otherwise, she wouldn't delete everything about him.

Lu Liangcheng lowered his head, staring at the photo on the lock screen, he hugged her from behind, she smiled like a flower, and looked at the camera sweetly.

Thinking of the lingering love in the kitchen that day, he felt a dull pain in his heart.

After more than ten years of relationship, did you just give up if you said you would give up?
Obviously loved him so much, but pushed him to another woman like this.

"Don't wait, Daddy has already taken her back."

Seeing this desolate figure behind him, Gu Jingqi was startled and walked over.

The voice interrupted him, Lu Liangcheng was taken aback, and turned around.

With a bag of beer in his hand, he sat down on the steps, raised his head and took a sip, "I thought about it, quitting now and not caring about the Lu family's affairs, it's too cheap for that bitch surnamed Su! For you, I I am indeed very angry, a burst of anger from unknown origin, but, put yourself in another place, the manipulator behind this matter is Su Xiyan, I shouldn’t be angry, I don’t control my temper and hit you, right now, whether it’s you or Meow Meow, you are all victims, Su Xiyan is the culprit, if at this time, I turn against you, then we are not brothers at all!"

Since childhood, he and Gu Jingqi have never quarreled.

Usually, with just one look, you can understand each other's thoughts, and there will be no barriers at all.

Tonight is the first time.

Lu Liangcheng closed his phone, walked a few steps forward, and sat down side by side with Gu Jingqi, "You don't need to explain, I understand your mood at that time, if you didn't hit me, I would feel uncomfortable, and if you hit me, I feel at ease Some!"

He opened a can of beer and took a sip. The slightly astringent wine dripped down his throat, and the alcohol burned in his chest, which did not relieve his depression and heartache.

"You just think my head is hot."

Gu Jingqi doesn't want to apologize
"However, I want to ask you a question."

Lu Liangcheng responded lightly, "Yes."

"You really want to marry Su Xiyan?"

He heard everything he said in the corridor just now.

Lu Liangcheng didn't even hesitate for a second, "No!"

Gu Jingqi knew that it was impossible for him to marry, but he still wanted to hear it from him.

"This time, I really don't want to interfere. You and Miaomiao's matter, the relationship between the two of you, you can handle it yourself, but..."

Hearing but, Lu Liangcheng's heart rose again, "But what?"

"I have to intervene in Su Xiyan's matter! Speaking of it, whether it's you or me, she has formed a deep rift, and letting her continue like this will only make her more and more arrogant!"

"I've already booked a plane ticket to America!"

"To the United States?"

"I'll talk about Xia Wei, you stay in China and take care of Mr. Lu."

He said he didn't care about the Lu family's affairs, but his actual actions...

Lu Liangcheng didn't know what else to say other than gratitude, "Jing Qi, I owe this favor first."

"I don't want anything, I just hope that the girl won't get hurt again."

"Did she...did she say anything to you just now?"

Gu Jingqi drank the last bottle and stood up, after all, he did not reveal that Gu Mianmian had been crying for a long time, "You should concentrate on dealing with the Lu family's affairs, now is not the time to care about your children's affair!"

"I'm worried about her!"

"Since she was a child, she has always been like this. She can pick it up and let it go. Maybe this time, she really won't look back. Mr. Lu is forcing her to die. She feels that she is just a burden when she is with you. Killed you!"

Lu Liangcheng fell silent, the moonlight shrouded his face and blurred his outline, making it impossible to see what kind of expression he had at the moment.

But Gu Jingqi knew that he must be feeling uncomfortable.


The door of the operation was not opened until dawn.

Lu Chengcheng's old health problems got worse because he didn't take the medicine on time.

Several times, she was in so much pain that she almost couldn't bear it, but she resolutely waited for Lu Qurao to come out before going to rest.

Lu Liangcheng put his coat on Lu Chengcheng's body and asked her to rest on his shoulders, but he didn't say a word.

Ever since she scolded Gu Mianmian last time, he has always maintained this slight alienation towards her.

Influenced by Su Xiyan before, she always cared about and disliked Gu Mianmian, but for some reason, seeing her sadly leaving back just now made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She moved her lips, and then glanced at Su Xiyan who was standing opposite her, a trace of entanglement and struggle flashed across her face.

She didn't know if she should tell Lu Liangcheng what she saw in the corridor just now.

I don't know what kind of conflict happened between them, but what sister Xiyan said was really a bit too much.

"Chengcheng, drink some water, take the medicine..."

Su Xiyan's gentle voice came from beside her ear.

Lu Chengcheng thought for a while, and stood up with the pain in her body, "Sister Xiyan, I want to go to the bathroom, can you accompany me?"

"Okay, come on, put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

Lu Chengcheng didn't want to ask questions at first, but she couldn't figure it out. On the way to the bathroom, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister Xiyan, I want to ask, when grandpa had an accident and was sent to the hospital, why did you ask?" I called Sister Mianmian, is it because you know that she will give up on my brother when she sees that Grandpa refuses to have the operation, so..."

These words made Su Xiyan's face change, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Shocked by the roar, Lu Chengcheng pursed her lips, "I'm just asking casually."

"Didn't you say you don't like her?"

"I didn't like it before, but I think she is actually quite pitiful."

"Poor? She made grandpa like this. What's so pitiful about her? Don't be deceived by her appearance!"

Lu Chengcheng had mixed feelings in her heart, and nodded, "I see."

At ten o'clock in the morning, when the lights in the operating room were dimmed, Chi Mu and several doctors pushed the door out together. Seeing the situation, everyone rushed forward and asked anxiously, "How is my father?"

After not resting for more than ten hours, Chi Mu's face turned pale. He took off his mask and said in a deep voice, "The operation went well, and the patient is temporarily out of danger. However, the specific situation needs to be observed for a few more days. He is now Still in a coma and will wake up in about three hours."


"Grandpa is finally fine."


Mr. Lu is safe and sound, which is good news for everyone.

Now, Lu Liangcheng can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Liangcheng!" Chi Mu crossed the crowd and walked in front of Lu Liangcheng, "Come with me..."

The members of the Su family were watching his every move, but Lu Liangcheng followed him with steady steps without asking.

After Chi Mu entered the lounge, he closed the door with a solemn expression, "Just now Smithson called to say that Xia Wei committed suicide by taking sleeping pills!"

(End of this chapter)

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