You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1086 Introducing Friends

Chapter 1086 Introducing Friends
This was what An Nuan told them last night. Unexpectedly, it is now being used as left and right. This child is really...

Shaking her head, An Nuan asked Zuo Zuo: "Does Zuo Zuo dislike those children?"

Thinking of those naive and dirty children, Zuo Zuo didn't want to make any comments. "They're childish."

"Naive?" A child who is only three or four years old is abnormal if he is not naive, okay?
One day, Rong Jing told An Nuan that she would take her to meet a friend.

"Friend?" An Nuan was a little puzzled, because she knew all of Rong Jing's friends, and Rong Jing, some friends in the mall, naturally wouldn't deliberately introduce her to him, so he raised it so solemnly, but it made her feel sorry for that friend. Curious, "I met him when I was in Myanmar. I almost had an accident in Myanmar at that time, thanks to him who saved me."

"Really?" An Nuan was immediately raised by Rong Jing's words, "What happened?" Rong Jing didn't tell her at all.

"It's not a big deal. Besides, it's all over, isn't it?" Rong Jing rubbed An Nuan's head, "He has been abroad all the time, but recently returned to China, and said he would stay in China for a while. Now that he is here, of course I will I want to take you to meet. But that person looks very serious, if he says or does something then, just ignore it. "

After being told by Rong Jing, An Nuan became even more curious about that person.

The time to meet was at night, because it was Rong Jing's friend who was going to meet, so An Nuan specially dressed up.

Such behavior aroused Rong Jing's jealousy, he hugged An Nuan's waist to protest: "Nuan Nuan, you have never dressed up just for me."

An Nuan doesn't like makeup. If she doesn't need makeup for unnecessary occasions, she usually wears no makeup, at most she puts on a little foundation, but today she has carefully dressed up, and she looks quite bright and attractive.

An Nuan patted Rong Jing's hand, and said angrily, "I can see you every day, why do I need to make up for you?"

"Then you put on makeup for other men." Dissatisfied, Rong Jing squeezed An Nuan's waist.

An Nuan was itchy from being pinched by him, and couldn't help laughing, "Why are you like this. Brother Jing, do you even want to be jealous like this?" She was about to be speechless, isn't this person too narrow-minded? a little bit?
"Then to make it up to me, you have to kiss me." Rong Jing put her face in front of An Nuan.

An Nuan had no choice but to lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

But obviously Rong Jing would not be satisfied with such a superficial kiss.

He put his arms around An Nuan's waist, and kissed her freshly painted lips.

This kiss Rongjing seemed a bit domineering, she forcefully opened An Nuan's teeth, swept inside, and finally let her go when An Nuan was panting for breath.

"Brother Jing, you have eaten all my lip gloss." An Nuan leaned against Rong Jing's arms and said weakly.

Rong Jing licked her lips and said with satisfaction: "Well, it tastes like grapes."

The two had a fight, and it was almost too late when they went out.

It doesn't matter to Rong Jing, anyway, the other party is not such an important person, just a friend, right?Let him wait.

An Nuan is quite concerned, after all, this person saved Rong Jing, he is his savior, you can't be too negligent to your savior, right?
(End of this chapter)

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