You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1101 Incompetent Parents

Chapter 1101 Incompetent Parents
Seeing that a farce was about to start again, An Nuan heard a crisp but angry little girl's voice.

"How long are you going to make trouble? Don't you think it's shameful enough?"

The little girl who spoke looked young, probably in her teens.

But judging from her words, this girl should also be quite precocious.

Seeing the girl, the woman rushed over immediately, "Qianqian, where did you go just now Qianqian, do you know that you are going to worry about me to death."

The man also hurried over, but before he could express his concern for his daughter, the woman slapped her daughter again, "Tell me where you went, you made me worry, do you know? How many times have I said don't run around, don't run around, you said that you are a child running around, what if you are caught by a trafficker and you let me and your dad do?"

It sounds like he is worried about his daughter, but the behavior of slapping is a bit inappropriate.

An Nuan frowned, she couldn't understand what this woman said and did, and felt that it didn't fit the image of a mother.

Zuo Youyou was obviously a little frightened by that woman's crazy behavior, and You You hid behind An Nuan, her little face full of panic.

In his impression, all mums should be like his mums, caring and loving them very much. Although they would get angry sometimes, they would never hit them no matter how angry they were.

But this mummy is so vicious, not only beating her husband but also beating her daughter, it's really terrible.

There was a lot of commotion here, many children were frightened, and the parents looked at the woman and the man very dissatisfied.

As for the girl, her face turned red after being slapped by her mother, and she didn't know whether she was red from the slap or angry.

She glared at her mother, then ran away crying.

As soon as the woman saw her daughter running away, she hurried to chase after her. The man thought about it and chased after her too.

This farce has come to an end so far, An Nuan shook her head, thinking that this is really irresponsible and unreliable for parents.

An Nuan patted the left and right heads to reassure them: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Zuo Zuo was not afraid, but felt that it was so pitiful for that girl to have such a daddy and mommy. In comparison, his daddy and mommy were so nice.

So, Zuo Zuo raised his head and said to An Nuan: "Mummy, you are the best mommy in the whole world."

An Nuan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she couldn't laugh or cry.

This kid is really...

"Well, you are also a good child of Mommy."

There are indeed many things in the museum, and most of them are the most advanced high-tech products. Not only the children are stunned, but many adults are also very fresh.

Right and left, I saw a big book with many words and patterns written on it. When you waved your hand, the book would turn its pages.

He thought it was very novel and fun, so he kept waving his hands there, giggling every time he saw the book turning a page.

Zuo Zuo was very interested in the model of the entire city planning, and stood there looking at it for a long time.

In addition, there is an answering area, which is specially prepared for children to answer.

Although the problem is very simple, it is still very difficult for four or five-year-old kindergarten children.

(End of this chapter)

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