You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1104 Family Package Coupon

Chapter 1104 Family Package Coupon

Occasionally Rong Jing would play games with them, but it was rare to play so crazy.

So it's rare to be able to play so happily, left and right are very happy.

KFC Annuan usually doesn't take them to eat, mainly because the food inside is all hormone-containing food, eating too much is not good for the children's development, but it is still acceptable to eat occasionally.

The left and right knew that if Rong Jing was here, she would definitely not take them to eat. This is junk food for Rong Jing. In the past, when An Nuan wanted to eat it, she had to act like a baby for a long time before he would agree to it.

Thinking that the children hadn't eaten this for a long time, they agreed.

It's dinner time now, and there are many people in KFC, most of them are children and parents.

Generally, those who love to eat KFC are children, and if children want to eat, of course adults should accompany them.

"Mommy, I want to eat that." Pointing to a family bucket, he said excitedly.

Zuo Zuo actually doesn't like KFC that much, but if You You likes him, of course he will cooperate.

An Nuan bought a family bucket and two more hamburgers.

After sitting down, An Nuan said to Shao Bin: "What do you want to eat? You can't eat much left and right, you should eat more."

Shao Bin has not been to KFC for a long time, but this time it is rare to eat it, but he thinks the taste is not bad.

Youyou is gnawing chicken wings, gnawing very seriously, and eating ice cream while gnawing, An Nuan is really worried that he will spoil his stomach.

Seeing some cream on his face, Shao Bin took the napkin and wiped it off for him.

"Youyou turned into a little tabby cat." Shao Bin thought it was funny, Xiao Youyou was really cute no matter how you looked at it.

Zuo Zuo didn't like to eat hamburgers, so he ate a few chicken wings and drumsticks.

Youyou gave the half-eaten ice cream to Zuozuo, "Brother, eat, it's delicious."

Left and right glanced at the ice cream, but didn't dislike it, and ate the rest.

Youyou often gives Zuozuo what he can't finish, and it's the same this time, he eats half of the ice cream and he eats enough, and very smoothly pushes the rest to Zuozuo's front.

Seeing that left and right are so good at each other, Shao Bin saw it quite freshly, and asked An Nuan: "Are these two twins?"

"Yeah, left and right for half an hour."

"Hey, why do I feel that Zuo Zuo seems to be much older than You You? These two brothers really have a good relationship." Shao Bin looked envious. He was the only child, and he was the only one in the family. They are all very lonely, except for playing with the children in school, there is no one to accompany them, and they play with toys by themselves every day.

At that time, he especially hoped to have brothers and sisters, so that the two of them would also have a companion, whether it was playing games or eating together, at least they wouldn't look so alone, would they?

An Nuan agreed with Shao Bin's words: "Zuo Zuo is a good brother."

"Yes, brother is a good brother." Youyou followed suit, and handed the last chicken wing to Zuo Zuo, "Brother, this is a reward for a good brother."

Seeing this, An Nuan and Shao Bin couldn't help laughing, Youyou is a little pistachio, as long as he is there, there will be laughter.

"Hello, are you a family? Your children are so cute. This is a family meal coupon in our store. Every family can get one. If you come to eat next time, you can get a [-]% discount. It's a great deal."

(End of this chapter)

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