You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1131 Daily Chapter: Get up early and exercise

Chapter 1131 Daily: Get up early and exercise
After returning home, An's parents had prepared meals and were waiting to welcome them.

For more than half a year, Rong's father and Rong's mother were away, and An's father and An's mother were quite lonely.

An's mother is because there is no one to chat with him, and An's father is because no one is talking nonsense with him.

Rong Jing came back late, and was very happy to see her parents back, so they hugged each other.

Left, right, and right also missed their grandparents very much, and they pestered them as soon as they came, which made Rong's father and Rong's mother very relieved.

They were also worried that the two children would forget them after they had been out for so long. After all, children are very forgetful.

After the meal, mother Rong took out the gift.

All the presents add up to fill two suitcases, which are very heavy.

Gifts are varied, mostly local produce as well as some less common items.

Youyou likes to unwrap presents very much, seeing so many presents, his eyes are so bright that he almost lies on the pile of presents.

After all, after sitting on the plane for a long time, Rong's father and Rong's mother were a little tired, so they went to rest early at night.

Left and right were a little excited, holding An Nuan's hand and asking her about her appearance abroad.

"Mommy, do foreigners look different from us? Feifei said that foreigners are all yellow, just like minions?" Youyou asked naively.

An Nuan almost sprayed, Minions?Well, so creative.

"No, there are many types of foreigners. Some look the same as us, some are white-skinned, and some are black-skinned. When you are older than your brother, Mommy will take you on a trip to see Foreigner, okay?"

"Okay, okay, let's go see foreigners together."

Zuo Zuo yawned, he was a little sleepy, and he had to get up early tomorrow because he was going for a run.

The taekwondo teacher told him that if you want to have a good physique and practice martial arts well, you have to work harder.

Go for a 15-minute jog every morning before going to work out.

Because the air in the morning is the most aura, it is good for the body to absorb more.

Although he didn't know what aura was, he felt that what the coach said must be right.

Seeing that Zuo Zuo was sleepy, An Nuan sent the two children to sleep.

Zuo Zuo got up very early in the morning. When he got up, the sky outside was not completely bright, but only dim.

He slept well at night, so he doesn't feel sleepy now.

After getting up, he first ran ten laps around the villa, and then practiced taekwondo in the yard.

His taekwondo is the best among all the children who practice taekwondo, and he is praised by the coach every time.

But Zuo Zuo still felt unsatisfied.

Because he feels that he is not strong enough, he hopes to grow up quickly, so that no one can bully him.

An's mother also got up early, and people don't like to sleep in when they are old. Who knew that when they got up and opened the door, they saw the other side of the yard doing exercises.

Seeing this, Mother An was very surprised. After standing there for a while, she remembered to go over to ask.

"Zuo Zuo?" Mother An walked over and asked, "Why do you wake up so early?"

"Grandma." Zuo Zuo had just completed a set of movements, his breath was still a little unsteady, and his face was flushed, "Good morning, grandma."

"Good morning Zuo Zuo."

(End of this chapter)

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