You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1181 Daily Chapter: I Listen to You

Chapter 1181 Daily life: I listen to you
"All right, all right, don't go to the company. I'll do what my wife says, okay?" Rong Jing's company affairs are now handed over to Wen Feng, and Wen Feng complains, but knowing that Rong Jing is forced to do so now, So I just complained, and didn't say much else.

Now Rong Jing doesn't dare to refute anything, An Nuan does whatever she says.

"Huh, anyway, you are not allowed to go out for a week, and you have to heal all your injuries." After all, you were shot, which is a very serious matter in An Nuan's view, but Rong Jing didn't take it seriously at all. .

Seeing his attitude, An Nuan felt annoyed.

"Brother Jing, if you don't know how to cherish your body, I will ignore you."

It's not that Rong Jing doesn't cherish his body, but in his opinion, it's really just a minor injury, so there's no need to make such a fuss.

But he can understand An Nuan's mood, if this matter is changed, he will definitely be more anxious than An Nuan.

Just because she understands, Rong Jing will definitely be obedient now.

An Nuan originally didn't want to tell Lingling about Tan Tan, but after seeing her devastated, she still couldn't bear it and told her the hospital where Tan Tan was.

After hearing the news about Zhen Tan, Lingling ran over without saying a word.

Seeing An Nuan, she could only pray that Tan Tan would get better soon, and that she and Lingling could live a good life in the future.

"Brother Jing, don't do such dangerous things in the future, okay? You don't know. After hearing the news of your injury, I was almost scared to death." An Nuan felt that she hadn't slowed down until now. Come on, sometimes I have nightmares in the middle of the night.

Rong Jing knew it was his fault this time, and he also promised that he would never do it again.

"I promise you, this is the last time." Rong Jing said to her solemnly.

An Nuan hugged him very tightly.This man is going to be with her for the rest of her life, and she can't let him do anything.Even if it makes people think that she is willful, she doesn't care.

Anyway, when it comes to things with Rong Jing, even if it is willful, then be willful, who can indulge her willfulness, right?
When An Nuan and Rong Jing went to see Tan Tan, Lingling was also there.Lingling's complexion was not very good-looking, while Zhen Tan looked cautious. This scene was similar to An Nuan's seeing Rong Jing when she first arrived at the hospital.

An Nuan could understand Lingling's mood very well, and felt that Zhen Tan really should be taught a lesson, otherwise he would definitely not remember the lesson in the future.

Seeing An Nuan and Rong Jing coming, Lingling finally didn't lose her temper with Tan Tan, but helped entertain the two of them.

"You guys are here." Seeing An Nuan and Rong Jing coming, Tan Tan hurriedly greeted with a smile.

"Sit down quickly, then what, don't worry, I'm fine."

Lingling glared at him after hearing this.

Now that it's settled, doesn't he know that he almost died in the hospital?
Being stared at by Lingling like this, Zhen Tan was very guilty, and after he laughed a few times, he didn't dare to speak out again.

An Nuan thought it was funny, as the saying goes, one thing falls one thing, this is indeed true.

Zhen Tan was indeed seriously injured, but his body recovered very quickly after he got over it. His physical foundation is good, and Lingling has taken good care of him these two days, so the speed of recovery is also amazing.

"You look really good."

(End of this chapter)

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