You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1197 Daily Chapter: Too Abnormal

Chapter 1197 Daily: Too Abnormal
Zhen Tan didn't look like a house cook. She remembered that before, he couldn't tell the difference between salt and sugar, but now he could cook.

Lingling is not in the mood to be moved yet, but is just worried about whether the meal will be edible later, and even if she can eat it, will she eat someone to death?

It's not that she's worried for nothing, but it's very necessary.

After all, no one knows what kind of meals people who can't cook will make.

"Come, come, it's time to eat." Zhen Tan put all the dishes on the table, let Lingling sit down and said to her, "Eat it while it's hot, and try my handicrafts."

Lingling actually wanted to ask, do you really have such a thing as craftsmanship, but she was afraid that asking would hurt his self-esteem, so she had to hold back.

She picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of taro from the pork ribs, and took a bite.

"How does it taste?" Tan Tan asked nervously.

For today's meal, Zhen Tan really studied for a long time.

He has never cooked, and he rarely even entered the kitchen before.Although his family conditions were not good when he was a child, his mother loved him no less than other mothers and never let him do any housework, especially cooking.

Even after his mother died, he never cooked.

At that time, he was messing around everywhere, stuttering here, stuttering there, where he needs to cook by himself, right?

He never thought before that one day he would learn to cook for a woman in order to please her. This was something he never imagined.

So, this world is really full of wonders.

The appearance of this table dish is still good, Lingling thought it might be a sham, but the taste is definitely not good, but to her surprise, the taste is surprisingly good.

As Zhen Tan himself said, it can't be compared with the chef's, but at least it's much tastier than her cooking.

Looking at Zhen Tan in surprise, Lingling didn't know what expression to use to face him.

"It tastes good." Lingling nodded and said.

"Really?" Zhen Tan was very happy and satisfied. This kind of happiness and satisfaction is difficult to compare with other things. He only felt that his heart was full and he couldn't tell. happy. "If it's delicious, eat more. I've been preparing it for a long time."

In the following time, Zhen Tan completely turned into a loyal dog husband, serving his wife wholeheartedly.

Of course, if Lingling is really willing to agree to be his wife, Zhen Tan would definitely not mind being a loyal dog husband.

"This is what you like to eat, eat more. I remember you love this too, and eating more of this is good for girls' skin." Zhen Tan patronized Lingling after a meal, but he himself ate very much few.

Lingling felt a little embarrassed, so she also picked up some food for him, "Don't always pick up something for me, you should eat more yourself."

"I know, but I'm very happy to see you eating." Tan Tan's love words were really random.

Lingling felt a little embarrassed, and blushed slightly.

Generally speaking, the two of them enjoyed the meal very happily. After the meal, Tan Tan didn't let Lingling do the washing up, so she volunteered to wash the dishes.
Lingling always felt that today's Zhen Tan was weird, although she couldn't say what was wrong, she still felt that something was wrong, as if there was a conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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