You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1207 Daily Chapter: Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 1207 Daily: Beautiful Scenery

"Understood, the two of you are going to live a two-person world. Go ahead. We only have three children, and we can still take care of them." Of course, it would be difficult for Mama An to take care of that kind of disobedient child, but An Nuan's children are easy to take care of, even the youngest Xiao Qiqi is very obedient and rarely loses his temper.So carrying it is effortless.

An Nuan was a little embarrassed by what An's mother said, but she went out with Rong Jing after breakfast.

An Nuan didn't know where she was going, since Rong Jing wouldn't sell her anyway.She was humming all the way in the car, not to mention how happy she was.

"So happy?" Rong Jing laughed, she is still like a child now that she is such an adult, she is happy when she hears that she can go out to play, "Aren't you afraid that I will really take you to the valley to sell?"

"You have to be able to sell it." Of course An Nuan was not afraid, she pointed to her thin arms and legs, "Brother Jing, now all the girls they want in the mountains can work in the fields, look at me like this Yes, what kind of work can you do? Even if you sell it to me, maybe they don’t want it. Buying me back is not to serve them, but to serve me specially. Tell me, isn’t this a loss-making business?”

An Nuan is still very self-aware, people in the mountains don't want her skinny and tender.

Rong Jing shook her head, she really couldn't compete with her theoretically, of course, it was also because he never competed with her.

Rong Jing's car was driving more and more remote, and later it actually drove into the farm. An Nuan wondered: "Brother Jing, you don't really want to sell me, do you? Let me tell you , I'm really worthless."

Rong Jing stopped the car at the foot of a mountain, unbuckled her seat belt and said to her, "Come down, I'll sell you to the mountain."

An Nuan got off the car, Rong Jing came over and took her hand, "Come with me, sell the piglet."

An Nuan smiled, and followed Rong Jing slowly up the mountain.

The scenery here is very good. There are many trees on the mountain, and there are many varieties. There are also rhododendrons in this season. There are a large area of ​​rhododendrons on the other mountain, which looks very beautiful.

In addition to azaleas, there are many other weeds and wild flowers blooming very well. An Nuan took a deep breath and praised: "Sure enough, the air in the city is not comparable to that in the countryside. Brother Jing, look at the air here. The scenery and air are so good, you will smell the exhaust every day in a big city.”

An Nuan has a plan. When she and Rong Jing grow old, they will come to the countryside to take care of themselves.The air in the city is not suitable for the elderly. How nice it is to be in the countryside. When the time comes, I will plant some land and be self-sufficient.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan.This is a life that many people envy, but there are very few people who can cross the mountain.The temptation of big cities is too great. People like to go to big cities and dislike poverty and backwardness in rural areas.

Over time, there are fewer and fewer people in the countryside, and more and more people in the cities.

An Nuan hasn't walked the mountain road much, so she often slips and falls when walking here. Fortunately, Rong Jing has been holding her hand, and every time she was about to fall, she was caught in time.

After walking for about half an hour, the front suddenly became clear, and An Nuan actually saw a world that could be called a paradise.

In front of it is a waterfall, with clear flowing water pouring down, and the surroundings are truly picturesque, which is simply too beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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