You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1242 Daily Chapter: 77 How Courageous

Chapter 1242 Daily life Qi Qi is so courageous

And that person was holding Qiqi in his hand.

An Nuan suddenly felt as if someone had poured a basin of water on her, and her whole body felt chilly. Before she had time to think about anything, she quickly chased after her.

"Come on, someone is robbing the child, come on." After running for a long time, An Nuan remembered to call for help, hoping that the passers-by around could help.

Fortunately, when someone snatched a child so unconscionable, there were still people who were willing to take action. Many men helped An Nuan chase the child.

An Nuan hated her so much at the moment why she didn't exercise more, she couldn't run after a while, and was so tired that she was out of breath.But even if she can't run, she has to run, that's her daughter.

An Nuan didn't understand, why did that man rob her daughter?But soon she knew, because the police came.

When that person was trapped in a blind spot, he held Qiqi in his arms and looked at the person in front vigilantly.

Only then did An Nuan know that that person was the murderer who killed someone at the joint last time and escaped. Today, the police finally found his hiding place, but he was very flexible and escaped from being caught by the police.

An Nuan was so tired that her face turned pale, looking at the man and Qi Qi in front of her, her heart ached.

If other children encountered such a thing, they would definitely cry non-stop, but Qi Qi didn't. Instead, she still felt very excited, clapping her hands and laughing at the same time.An Nuan felt that her daughter was so stupid, she was still so happy at this time, what kind of trouble was she trying to do?
"Hu Cheng, put the child down quickly. If you persist in your obsession, you will only be punished more severely." The police pointed their guns at the man named Hu Cheng.

Hu Cheng looked at the policeman vigilantly, and then at the child in his arms who didn't understand anything.In fact, he really didn't intend to hurt this child. The reason why he snatched this child was just to give himself an extra life-saving talisman.

Hu Cheng was also very tired from running, and he couldn't speak smoothly. He looked at the people in front of him and said, "I know that I will definitely die. Don't worry, I won't hurt this child. But before I die, you Can you let me go back to see my mother? My mother is in the hospital now, and she has been looking forward to me being able to see her. I am an unfilial son, and I can no longer take care of her elderly. I just want to see her again. "As he said, his eyes were red.

An Nuan didn't know the man's story very well, but only knew that he killed someone last time, whether it was his wife's lover or something.

An Nuan didn't know the specific details.But looking at the appearance of the person in front of him, An Nuan felt that he should not be a bad person.

Because the other party had a hostage in their hands, the police did not dare to act rashly, and could only try to stabilize the other party's emotions.

"We can agree to your request. If you let the child go, we will take you to the hospital. How about it?" the policeman discussed.

But obviously Hu Cheng is not a brainless person. Once the hostages are gone, will the police still listen to him?Of course not.

"No, I have to go to the hospital to see my mother before I can release the child." Hu Cheng's attitude was very insistent.

An Nuan stood up at this time and said: "The child in your hand is mine. I promise, you will be able to see your mother. But, can you return the child to me first? She is still so young, she will be scared bad."

(End of this chapter)

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