You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 138 Seeing an Acquaintance

Chapter 138 Seeing an Acquaintance
But what An Nuan didn't know was that Guo Xiaoyan and that girl had made an appointment to fight outside on the weekend, of course, it was a one-on-one fight.

After one month of make-up classes, An Nuan felt that she had lost a layer of skin and lost a lot of weight.

Now An Nuan is already 1.6 meters tall. Generally speaking, she is not short, but she is not tall either.But she is not worried, she is still young, and she should grow up in the future.

After the holiday, An Nuan and Rong Jing went back to Rong's house, and brought the thief along by the way.

Mother Rong also likes Pirates very much. She is very happy every time she sees Pirates. There is also a small den for Pirates at home.

Thief is a very clever puppy, it can clearly distinguish who treats it well and who treats it badly, and it will always be very affectionate to those who treat it well.

One afternoon, An Nuan was watching TV while holding half a watermelon and eating it with a spoon.

She was watching a quiz show. The participating members were all junior high school and high school students, and it was a question-and-answer format.Each participating member takes turns to answer the questions, if the answer is correct, they will stay, and if the answer is wrong, they will quit.As long as you answer one question wrong, you have no chance.

Therefore, this is a very big test of the knowledge of the participating members.After all, the questions asked here are very numerous and complicated, not only those that junior high school students or high school students have been exposed to, but also those that they have not been exposed to.

But because this is a very good exercise opportunity for students, and if you can persist until the end, the prizes are very rich, so there are many participants.

An Nuan was just looking casually at first, but then saw a very familiar figure on TV.

"Brother Jing, Brother Jing." An Nuan also didn't care about eating watermelon, and yelled twice.

Rong Jing heard that she came out of the study and asked, "What's wrong?"

An Nuan beckoned to him and told him to come over, then pointed to a person on the TV and said, "Brother Jing, look at this girl, doesn't she look a lot like Meng Zixiang?"

Rong Jing looked carefully, nodded and said, "It should be Meng Zixiang."

Meng Zixiang was not in No. [-] Middle School, but went to Bi No. [-] Middle School.

In elementary school, the relationship between An Nuan and Meng Zixiang can be said to be just so-so, not particularly close, but not estranged, which is not bad.

After graduating from elementary school, she hadn't seen her again, and she didn't expect to be able to see her on TV.

"She's so amazing, she actually appeared on TV." An Nuan said with admiration, "And she's really good, she answered a lot of questions, many of which she didn't know how to do." Now there are only three people left on the stage Now, as long as Meng Zixiang perseveres, he might be able to win.

Rong Jing didn't have much interest in it, but seeing An Nuan was so excited, she sat down and watched it with her.

"Hey, here you go." An Nuan gave Rong Jing the leftover watermelon she ate, "I can't eat any more, don't waste it."

There was still about a third of the watermelon left, Rong Jing smiled, but did not refuse, and started eating slowly with a spoon.

Because she recognized that person as Meng Zixiang, An Nuan took it more seriously.But it's a pity that Meng Zixiang couldn't hold on until the end, and lost in the PK with another boy.

It's a pity, but from An Nuan's point of view, Meng Zixiang is pretty good. After all, there are 2 people answering the questions at the same time, and those who can be on the show must be capable. She can get No.[-], which is already good enough that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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