You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 140 Brother Jing is So Heartless

Chapter 140 Brother Jing is So Heartless
An Nuan is a very simple and kind person. She hopes that everyone she knows can live a good life, that's all.

When the third year of junior high school officially started, An Nuan discovered a strange thing, that is, Guo Xiaoyan became good friends with the girl who had fought with her in the toilet, and they had a very good relationship.

An Nuan knew that Guo Xiaoyan had indeed fought with that girl later, and also knew that the girl's name was Jiang Siqi, and she had an older brother who was a "triad" outside.

It is said that it is a gangster, but in fact it is just a well-known outsider, and of course it is not a real gangster.That's why Jiang Siqi was so insolent.

Regarding the improvement of the relationship with Jiang Siqi, Guo Xiaoyan said this: "Do you know if you don't know each other without fighting? The point is, her brother is really handsome. Oh my god, with such a handsome brother, my sister will certainly not be bad." Where are you going, right?"

Is there a definite relationship between the two?An Nuan was very puzzled.But Guo Xiaoyan thinks there is, so there must be.

The third grade of junior high school is naturally more difficult than the first and second grade of junior high school. In addition to the monthly exam, there will also be various quizzes from time to time. Really, the test is the magic weapon of the teacher ah.

An Nuan felt like she was going to throw up when she saw the test paper now, and every time she felt the urge to tear the test paper in her hand.She couldn't figure it out, why did she have to take the exam?What if there are too many exams?Those who fail in the exam will fail in the exam after all, and those who do well in the exam must also be able to do well in the exam. Isn't this tossing people in vain?

But how can the teacher's mind be controlled by you?They want to test, you can only test.There is no other way but to accept it.

An Nuan has always been lazy, such a high-intensity study life made her very uncomfortable, and she really didn't want to adapt.So except in school, she hardly wants to touch textbooks.

Every time she got home, she would throw her schoolbag far away, wishing she could never see her again.

Rong Jing does not force her on this point, he also knows that she is very tired, so when he can relax her, he will let her relax, and will not force her to study.

It's a rare weekend to rest, An Nuan doesn't care about those homework at all, just let them reproduce in her schoolbag.

"Rogue, thief, you are better. Look at you, you eat, you play, you sleep. What a comfortable little life. My life is worse than that of a dog." Thinking of this fact, she couldn't bear it. Live tears.

Rong Jing on the side was amused by her appearance, "You, you, compared with other people, you don't know how relaxed you are."

This is true, but it is impossible for her to work as hard as the others.

"Brother Jing, you love me the most, don't you?" An Nuan put the thief down, looked at Rong Jing with a pair of big black and moist eyes, and then blinked twice, innocent and cute.

Rong Jing didn't understand what she meant, but this time there was no need to discuss it, "No, you haven't done your homework for two weeks, you must do it yourself this time."

"Brother Jing..." An Nuan was discouraged all of a sudden, "Do it for me one last time, okay?" She shook his arm coquettishly.

"No." Rong Jing reminded herself to stand firm, "You said the same thing yesterday."

Seeing Rong Jing's unwavering attitude, An Nuan felt that it was boring, so she let go of his hand and stood up, blaming him, "Hmph, brother Jing doesn't love me anymore, you change your mind when you see something different, you like the new and dislike the old, you go from one to another, from Qin to Muchu..."

(End of this chapter)

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