You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1518 Ending 17

Chapter 1518 Ending 17
An Nuan was amused by Youyou's actions, this guy is too cute, so funny.

Rong Jing also laughed and shook her head, of course she wouldn't really hit her son, but she deliberately frightened him so that he kept shrinking his head and refused to come out.

Later, it was An Nuan who pulled him out, but Rong Jing's snow ball threw him right after he was pulled out.

right right: ...

Is this my real dad?
"Daddy, you bully me." Youyou looked at Rong Jing aggrievedly, thought for a while, and felt that it was not good for him to be beaten passively, so he started to attack, "Daddy, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon! "After shouting the slogan, he threw several snow balls on his father.

This morning, An Nuan and his family were having a great time outside.

After returning to the house, An Nuan hurried to make ginger tea.

Although I didn't feel cold when playing outside, I felt chilly immediately after I stopped, and I even sneezed a few times.

Knowing that Youyou doesn't like ginger tea, An Nuan can only make him a cup of Banlangen.

In fact, he also doesn't like Banlangen Youyou, but compared with ginger tea, at least it's within the range he can accept.

After drinking ginger tea, An Nuan asked Rong Jing: "Brother Jing, are you going to the company today?"

It's the end of the year, and the company is done with all the things that should be busy. Rong Jing is lazy now if she can, and usually stays at home to play with her wife and children.

"I'm not going to the company anymore. Didn't you say that you want to go to the hot spring? Let's choose a day to hit the sun. How about going to the hot spring tonight?" Rong Jing suggested.

They would go to the hot spring several times every winter, and it was the kind of medicinal hot spring, so it would be good for the body to soak a few times.

Before An Nuan could answer, several children rushed to answer.

"Okay Daddy, let's go to the hot spring, I want to take a fruit hot spring."

"Fruit hot spring?" What the hell is this?An Nuan was very puzzled, why had she never heard of such a type of hot spring?

"Where did you know about fruit hot springs?"

"My classmate said it." Youyou explained to An Nuan, "One of my classmates went to the fruit hot spring, he said the fruit hot spring was delicious, it was very comfortable to soak in, and there were fruits to eat. "

An Nuan couldn't imagine what the so-called fruit hot spring was all about, but she was quite curious after hearing what you said, so she said to Rong Jing very interestedly: "Brother Jing, let's try it too, okay?" good?"

Of course Rong Jing doesn't care, since An Nuan likes it, it doesn't matter to give it a try.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the whole family was on their way to the hot spring villa.

On the way there, Xiao Qiqi was very active and excited. Xiao Qiqi kept leaning against the window to look at the scenery outside the window. Seeing that the scenery outside the window kept changing, she pointed to the outside and excitedly said to her father and mother: "Dad! Mommy, look, it’s ginkgo, isn’t it? It’s such a yellow leaf.”

An Nuan looked out the window and found that the ginkgo leaves fell much later than in other places. The scenery on both sides is very good, the trees are tall, and the leaves on both sides are all overlapping, which looks very spectacular.

After arriving at the hot spring villa, An Nuan took the left and right hands, while Rong Jing hugged Xiao Qiqi.

The hot springs here have family private room hot springs, which are specially prepared for the whole family.

(End of this chapter)

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