You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1560 Design Plagiarism Incident

Chapter 1560 Design Plagiarism Incident
One of the biggest features of Jing Nuan Jewelry is the design.

Anyone who knows jewelry knows that the design of jewelry is almost the same, and the design of jewelry of different brands is similar, with subtle differences.

As for quality, as long as you want to carry forward your own brand, you will not make mistakes in quality.

Of course, in addition to design, there is also the level of jewelry.

Jewelry is divided into many levels, and the prices and values ​​of different levels are different.

Jing Nuan Jewelry's jewelry sources are all special channels, so the material is more special than other jewelry companies, so it is more popular.

However, some time ago, the jewelry design of Jing Nuan Jewelry Company was stolen.

A week before Jing Nuan Jewelry's new product was launched, many other small jewelry companies had already launched their products, and the sales were very hot.

Such a thing is of course a big event. As soon as this incident happened, everyone in Jing Nuan Jewelry Company began to discuss countermeasures.

It's fine if the jewelry hasn't been produced yet, but so many jewelry have been put into production and completed, if they don't sell, the loss is not usually huge.

But if it is sold, then Jing Nuan Jewelry will be accused of plagiarism, and people will think that such a big company plagiarizing the designs of other small companies will have a great impact on its reputation.

Of course, it was impossible for Rong Jing to agree to continue selling that batch of jewelry, so that batch of jewelry could only be sold.

"President, in my opinion, there may be a traitor in our company." The manager of the design department finally stood up and said to Rong Jing, "Otherwise, how could our design be leaked out? Let’s hurry, we can only explain that when the product was first designed, the mole had already sold the product to others.”

This kind of speculation is very reasonable. Many people present actually think so, but they dare not say what they think in their hearts.

After all, such a thing as an insider cannot be tolerated no matter which company it is placed in, and it may cause a major adjustment of personnel.

Who knows if the fire will burn on themselves, doesn't it?Therefore, the manager of the design department is very courageous.

Rong Jing also thought of this, but was just waiting for someone to say it, and now that someone has come forward, of course he is very happy.

"Then tell me, who might the traitor be?" Rong Jing looked at him and asked.

"This..." The manager of the design department pondered for a while, and then replied respectfully, "President, I don't know about this either, but as long as you give me time, President, I believe that I will be able to find that mole. "

"Oh, how much time do you need?"

"Three days."

"Okay, then I'll give you three days. However, even if the traitor is found, our batch of jewelry will be affected. Tell me, what should we do?" Rong Jing raised the question again.

This question is the most important. After all, if so many jewels are sold out, the loss will not be in the tens of millions. With so much money in vain, who can't feel bad?

This time Rong Jing didn't wait for their answer, and said directly: "I'll give you one day, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer tomorrow, you know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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