Chapter 1562
Of course, it is impossible to know the inside story only on the news, and An Nuan, who has only a half-knowledge, is even more uncomfortable. She thought it would be better to ask Rong Jing directly.

Shan Yanyan held her back and refused to let her go, and said to her: "Not only will you not be able to help Rong Jing if you go now, but it will also annoy him even more. Believe it or not, there must be many reporters waiting outside Jing Nuan Jewelry Company." I want to interview Rong Jing, if you go, won't you be in the mouth of a sheep?"

This metaphor sucks, but at least the meaning is clear.

An Nuan thought about it too, if she was blocked by reporters, what would she say, wouldn't she?When the time comes, you will die and say the wrong thing, maybe it will make Jing Nuan Jewelry more realistic.

Thinking of this, An Nuan put down the bag.

"Don't worry, you should be fine. Rong Jing is so capable, she will definitely be able to solve the problem." Shan Yanyan comforted her.

An Nuan nodded, but she was still very worried.

As Shan Yanyan expected, there are indeed many reporters squatting outside Jing Nuan Jewelry Company. Everyone wants to interview Rong Jing, a president who has achieved such a great achievement at a young age, and wants to know what he thinks about this incident. .

However, Rong Jing never came out, and they couldn't break in, so they had to stay outside.

It was freezing cold outside, and the reporters were all frozen, and many of them had already started to runny noses.

At this time, a person who claimed to be an employee of Jing Nuan Jewelry gave them a cup of ginger tea, saying that the president had specially ordered them to warm their bodies and not freeze.

"I know it's not easy for you, it's not easy for you, and it's even harder for us." It was Rong Jing's secretary, Secretary Li, who came out to deliver ginger tea, and he said to everyone with a sad face, "It's not that our president insists on coming out to hide Looking at you, but he really has something to get out of, no, from less than eight in the morning to now, our president has not had a rest, and has been holding meetings to discuss this matter."

"Then, is this incident someone trying to deliberately frame Jing Nuan Jewelry, or is Jing Nuan Jewelry really plagiarized?" A female reporter handed the microphone to Secretary Li.

"Plagiarism?" Secretary Li sneered, and looked at the female secretary, "Do you think our company needs to use plagiarism to sell our own products?"

The female reporter was still sharp-tongued, "Just like every designer will encounter a bottleneck, maybe Jing Nuan Jewelry Company feels that its products can no longer be innovated, so it steals the fruits of other people's labor?"

"If you want to think so, then I can only say that you are very unqualified." Secretary Li continued under the puzzled eyes of the reporter, "You don't know anything about our company at all. I'm talking nonsense with you." After finishing speaking, he left without stopping any longer.

The rest of the reporters drank a few sips of ginger tea, and their stomachs immediately warmed up.

"The company is still very humane." A reporter sighed, and the other reporters nodded in agreement.

You must know that it is really difficult to be a reporter. Every day comes and goes in the wind and rain, and it takes a lot of hard work to make a breaking news.

What's the point of squatting in the cold wind like this, sometimes even if the storm is stormy, you can only face it head-on, it's really heartache only you know.

(End of this chapter)

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