You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1570 Wife, husband has money to support you

Chapter 1570 Wife, husband has money to support you
This kind of cognition made An Nuan feel very uncomfortable, and even lost her appetite when eating.

Seeing that An Nuan was poking at the rice in the bowl and not eating well, Rong Jing said displeasedly: "Eat well while eating, what are you thinking about?" This tone was the same as teaching Xiao Qiqi and Youyou a lesson.

An Nuan looked up at him with a very aggrieved expression.

"What's the matter?" Wasn't it fine just now?Why did you have such an expression all of a sudden?

"What did you think of again?"

"I..." An Nuan said depressedly, "Brother Jing, it suddenly occurred to me that I seem to be spending your money all the time, isn't that just eating soft food?"

Rong Jing thought she had thought of something again, but it turned out to be this.

He couldn't help feeling amused, "Is the food you eat soft or hard? The hard ones are raw, and you can't eat them."

"Brother Jing, I'm telling you seriously. You see, although I have my own store and even opened a branch, I don't make much money. The food and clothing at home are all your money, alas , am I too hopeless?" An Nuan sighed.

Rong Jing really can't laugh or cry, no wonder it is said that women have needles in the bottom of their hearts, and she thought of this again, which is really puzzling.

"My money is not your money, do we still need to divide it so clearly?" Rong Jing couldn't figure out how long her brain circuit was, why she would think about these messy things from time to time, and think They are all unnutritious things, really looking for trouble for nothing.

Of course, such words must never be said, or the little wild cat will get angry again, and you will suffer if you stretch out its paws and scratch you twice.

"That's right, but I still feel that I'm a little too dependent on you. Brother Jing, do you think I spend a lot of money?" An Nuan asked tentatively while eating.

In order to keep her marriage with Rong Jing sweeter and longer, An Nuan specially read some books on marriage management, which said that when the income of the husband and wife is unequal, when the income of the man is greater than that of the woman , is more conducive to the maintenance of marriage.

They are in line with this point, but, as I said next, if the woman spends too much money, it is likely to arouse the man's resentment.

Of course An Nuan knew that this would never happen to her and Rong Jing, but it's always good to plan ahead, right?
"Are you a good spender?" Rong Jing really didn't know what An Nuan was thinking, she had never seen a master who was really good at spending money, right?

But also, An Nuan rarely had contact with those so-called noble ladies, and didn't know that their consumption level was in the normal category.

If you let her know how those people spend their money, she will know what a good daughter-in-law she is who can save money.

"Daughter-in-law, do you want your husband to take you to see how rich wives live?" Rong Jing suddenly asked without thinking.


"What else can I do? I want you to have a clear self-awareness. After you see how much money they spend, you can ask me the same question. At that time, you don't need me to answer you, you will know your Is it worth spending money after all?" Rong Jing pinched her nose, "Don't talk, let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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