You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1585 No Punishment

Chapter 1585 No Punishment

Rong Jing took the test paper from An Nuan and read it carefully.

Youyou is most afraid that his father will be angry, afraid that his grades will make his father angry and punish him.

Although the parents of their family have never said how many points they want to take in the exam, but listening to other students, as parents, they must attach great importance to grades.

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm sorry, because I had diarrhea on the day of the exam, I was not feeling well, and I was in the bathroom all the time, and I only had 10 minutes to do the questions, so I made so many mistakes." Don't look at you like this, actually His self-esteem is also very strong, every time he takes the exam, he will work very hard, trying to do better in the exam.

In terms of study, Youyou acted indifferently, as if he didn't care, but he didn't.

When it comes to studying, he always listens carefully in class. Although he doesn't like doing homework, it's because he knows he can do it and is too lazy to do it.

As for the questions that he doesn't know how to do, he will always ask his brother for advice, so his grades have always been very good, almost full marks.

This time the exam was so unsatisfactory, Youyou was already very sad.

It turned out to be like this, An Nuan felt sorry for her child after hearing this.

"Why don't you tell Mommy when you have diarrhea? Why do you have diarrhea? Did you eat something bad? Mommy told you to eat less outside food, especially snacks." An Nuan said to him softly, "If you fail the exam this time, you will fail. It's okay. Daddy and Mommy are not angry. Mommy cares more about Youyou's body. As long as Youyou is healthy and happy, Mommy That's enough, you know?"

An Nuan never puts pressure on her children to study. In her opinion, study is really not important.

As long as the children have fun learning by themselves, it doesn't matter whether the grades are good or bad.

If the grades are good, Annuan is of course happy, and if the grades are not good, Annuan will be fine, these are not important.

Youyou thought that Mommy would teach him a few words, but he didn't expect that Mommy would say that, and he was very moved for a while.

But Daddy hadn't spoken yet, so he went to see Daddy again.

"Why, are you afraid that Daddy will punish you?" Rong Jing knew what he was thinking when he looked at the right and left eyes, "Don't worry, Daddy is not such a person who doesn't know right from wrong."

This sentence means that Daddy will not punish him.

Youyou, who had been worried all night, finally felt relieved, and said sweetly to Daddy and Mommy: "Thank you, Daddy and Mommy."

Rong Jing drove the left and right to the school, while An Nuan dressed Xiao Qiqi beautifully and went to the Children's Palace.

Yesterday, Xiao Qiqi saw a girl dancing on TV and suddenly said that she wanted to learn to dance. An Nuan is fine, anyway, Xiao Qiqi is playing by herself at home, so she might as well learn something.

It doesn't matter what she likes to learn, as long as she likes it.

In An Nuan's view, learning to dance is very good for girls, and it can cultivate temperament.

On the way there, An Nuan said to Xiao Qiqi: "Qiqi, learning to dance is very hard. Since you said you want to learn, don't give up because it's too hard, you know? If you learn half of it, give up If you don't, Mommy won't let you learn anything in the future."

Xiao Qiqi nodded very firmly, "Don't worry, Mommy, I'm not a little brother."

(End of this chapter)

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