You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1608 Lustful President Zhang

Chapter 1608 Lustful President Zhang

When Rong Jing arrived at the place, seeing the name of the nightclub, her air pressure dropped a little.

Seeing this, Secretary Li thought about it, and quickly explained to him: "President, this nightclub has a good reputation, and it is definitely a decent place. It doesn't have the things you imagined."

"Oh, you know what I'm thinking?" Rong Jing gave Secretary Li a cold look.

Secretary Li was sweating from Rong Jing's eyes, and immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know, how can I know the president's thoughts, right? I'm just talking nonsense." Sure enough, it was Ban Jun. Like a tiger, it's really not easy for him.

Where Rong Jing couldn't see, Secretary Li hurriedly wiped the sweat off his forehead.

After entering, Rong Jing saw the layout and atmosphere inside, and believed that Secretary Li hadn't lied to him, at least there wasn't the smoky feeling he thought.

Secretary Li has already booked the private room. After entering, the magnificent decoration inside fully shows the high consumption level here.

This looks like a palace, very luxurious and compelling.

In order to show his status as the president of their family, Secretary Li was of course the best one when booking the seat.

Mr. Zhang hadn't come when they arrived, and Mr. Zhang arrived almost ten minutes later.

Mr. Zhang is actually very young, about the same age as Rong Jing, but probably because he spends too much time on women, his body does not look as healthy as Rong Jing's, and his complexion is not very good. There is a faint feeling of excessive indulgence .

Zhang is always a rich second generation, and his family is very rich. His father can be said to be a big crocodile in the jewelry industry, and his status is incomparable even to Rong Jing.

It's just that Mr. Zhang's father is not very lucky. Although he has two sons, each of the two sons is not as good as the other.

Let's just take this chapter as an overview. He is the boss, but he is over thirty and has not married and had children, so he only knows how to play outside.

He is the general manager of the company, but apart from attending some important meetings, he spends most of his time outside eating, drinking and having fun, not doing business.

This time, Rong Jing had a cooperation with the other company. Mr. Zhang's father wanted to train his son, so he asked him to come and talk to Rong Jing.

To be honest, Rong Jing really looked down on the other party. If it wasn't for the face of the other party's father, he would definitely not pay attention to this Zhang Zong.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rong, there's a little traffic jam on the road, so I'm late." Mr. Zhang sat down and said sorry, but the expression on his face did not show the slightest bit of embarrassment.

Rong Jing responded lightly, and Secretary Li immediately saw that her CEO was a little unhappy, and hurriedly asked the waiter to serve the food.

Rong Jing came here specifically to discuss matters with the other party, and since he doesn't like wasting time, he naturally cut straight to the point.

"This is a plan for cooperation. If Mr. Zhang reads it and thinks it's okay, we can discuss the signing in detail." After Rong Jing finished speaking, Secretary Li handed over the plan.

Mr. Zhang was obviously not very interested in planning books and the like, so he just glanced at them and put them aside.

"Hey, it's time for dinner. Let's not talk about the company during dinner time. By the way, I heard that the girls in this nightclub are very good, and they are all high-quality. The last time they are beauties who graduated from a bachelor's degree."

(End of this chapter)

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